SF 3.7SP4 to 4.0 upgrade project
I am involved in upgrading a SF 3.7sp4 project (.net 4.0) to SF4.0. I am following along with the migration instructions for SF Migration tool located here (http://sitefinitymigration.codeplex.com/documentation).
All is going well, but I don't understand how to create the SiteFinity 4.0 project.
- Open your existing Sitefinity 4.0 website project that will be the destination of your migration
I don't use the SiteFinity Project Manager to create or update my projects. We maintain the website application in source code control.
They path I was going to take was to create a new project using the SiteFinity Project Manager on my SF4.0 installation. Then, take that directory and copy it over my SF 3.7SP4 source code. Will that work? I know there are a lot of web.config changes with SF4.0.
Am I on the right track?
Hi rick,
I sent a reply to you in your support request. If you need further assistance, let me know.