Adding my own existing .aspx/.ascx files to Sitefinity
I am using the trial version of Sitefinity 4.0 Enterprise, but I can't find a way to upload my own content (webcontrols etc). How can I do this? I want to upload my own .aspx page and webcontrols.
Also, I've looked at the new licensing model, is the Enterprise trial active forever but with the Telerik/Sitefinity branding? Will it expire? If so, can I switch to Community and keep the same database (and thus data)? Are the databases between the version even the same?
Hello G S S,
To add a new control, please check this post. If you switch from Enterprise to Community you will lose all features listed in the license comparison sheet.
Best wishes,
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team
Thanks for the first link.
What I meant was what happens when the enterprise trial license? Can I still use it but with a watermark on my live site?
It's illegal to use trail version on a live site. Trial version usage is limited to Testing/Beta Systems.
Please refer to licensing agreements.
hi All!
Please help me how to add an aspx page in sitefinty.
does a page develeped in sitefinity website in visual studio run
please send me the basic of site finty
Hi Aparna,
External pages will be supported with Q1.
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team
i am very new to site finity
what do you mean by Q1
what is the extention of a page created in sitefinity
pardon what is Q1
i am a starter
please help
Hi Aparna,
Q1 refers to the next release/version of Sitefinity 4. You could call it a Service Pack but Telerik uses the term Service Pack for smaller updates that are pushed out between the Q1, Q2 updates. I'm pretty sure it's based on the idea of a Quarterly release cycle where they try to push out 4 major updates a year. So the week of April 4th (personally I think it will be late, it almost always is) they'll be releasing Q1 which has a lot of features that were supposed to be in the product from day one, so like many other people it can't come soon enough.
See roadmap details here:
Hope that helps.
Hi thank you for your reply.
Can you please explain me the concept of adding pages in sitefinity
the pages added are only static one can i make them dynamic?
can i create a page in visual studio and edit it in sitefinity? if so please send me the procedure.
Thank You
@Phil IMO Q2 is the one that brings it up feature wise wise 3x....q1 just gives generic content sharing and bug fixes...also sets more retarded SKU restrictions which is setting us up no doubt for the ecommerce module to only allow 50 items to be sold on STD, 1000 on pro, and unlimited for unlimited. Slippery slope and we've already fallen off the edge.
Help me i wanted to learn it implement it at the earlist
Could you check whether the Telerik.Web.UI, Version=2010.3.1109.40, version is located in your bin folder and the project has reference to it?
Best wishes,
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team
"External pages will be supported with Q1."
I take it external pages support has been added by now.
Could you give me one or two links that explain how it works? I couldn't find anything. Thanks.
Hi Thomas,
To add new .aspx page to your site using Sitefinity:
1.Create the .aspx page in your site root
2.Go to pages module in Sitefinity
3.Create a redirect page that points to the url of the .aspx page in the root
Best wishes,
Stanislav Velikov
the Telerik team