Feeds & Notifications - DateTime parse error when importing external feed
I'm attempting to configure an external feed import into a Sitefinity 4 (4.0.1098.0) site. I've set up a mapping from an external RSS to be imported into a Blog as follows:
Content to include...
- External RSS/Atom feed
- URL: www.humansecuritygateway.com/.../feedsByRegionId154.xml
- Checked 'Include all published items'
Publish as...
- Sitefinity content
- Import data as 'Blogs'
- Selected a pre-existing Blog (that contains not existing Posts)
- Checked 'Automatically publish imported data'
After saving and choosing to 'Run' (from the Actions menu) I receive the following error:
Error in line 8 position 48. An error was encountered when parsing a DateTime value in the XML.
I am able to import other RSS feeds successfully (for instance, destructoid.com and escapistmagazine.com), but this particular RSS (whose XML appears syntactically correct) fails. Other RSS readers are able to read this URL successfully as well -- Why is Sitefinity 4 unable to read this feed?
Hi Bob ,
Thank you for reporting this issue. The problem with the external rss you are trying to import is that the date time format in the xml is <pubDate>Thu, 20 Jan 2011 1:07:00 +0000</pubDate>. The date time of the other rss feed, for example destructoid.com is <pubDate>Mon, 17 Jan 2011 14:32:22 Z</pubDate>. The difference between the two date formats is in the UTC presentation (+0000 and Z). I logged this problem as a bug with ID 105387.
All the best,Hi Petya -- I have some additional information for you concerning this issue. The error only occurs when the date that is being parsed is missing a leading zero for the time component (for those times before 10:00am). For instance, the following fails to be parsed for the RSS import:
>Sat, 12 Feb 2011 1:12:02 +0000</
>Sat, 12 Feb 2011 01:12:02 +0000</
Hello Bob,
Thank you for the information. We will have that in mind while fixing this problem. Here is an useful link to test the rss feeds you are trying to import http://validator.w3.org/feed/
Kind regards,
the Telerik team
Any progress on resolving this bug? I'd like to display weather on my web site using this feature but no luck.
This feed will not parse:
Hi Matt,
The problems you get with that particular feed come from the fact that the feed is not valid. You can see that for yourself here:
We're still using the .Net fed parser (System.ServiceModel.Syndication.SyndicationFeed.Load) and it doesn't parse that feed. However, we have logged a feature request for a parser, which will parse invalid feeds as well.
Hi Jen,
Any progress on this? Because the bug still exists, can you please tell us so work around for this issue on Sitefinity?
Hi Jen,
Any progress on this? Because the bug still exists, can you please tell us so work around for this issue on Sitefinity?
Hello Marco,
Would you please provide us with an example of feeds not correctly parsed?
Is that feed validated against the mentioned below validator:
Svetoslav Manchev
Hi Svetoslav,
There are some errors on the pubDate... why doesn't Sitefinity let the feed get parsed even though?
The below issue is being generated on my project. Is there a workaround to allow this pubDate pass or ignore the pubDate error?
Hi Marco,
As this is a standard .Net implementation of feeds parsing only with valid format I have logged Feature request to extend this functionality in our Feedback portal where you can vote for it.
Note that most voted Items are developed with higher priority.
Svetoslav Manchev