Page group redirecting issue
We have set up several page groups for our site, but we like to redirect to the first page when browsing the page group url.
For example, when visiting ~/aboutus it should automatically redirect to ~/aboutus/overview page
Currently it is pulling out contents of the overview page, but the url stays ~/aboutus, how could we make it automatically redirect to the first sub page? (url changes to ~/aboutus/overview)
Hi MJia,
This has been brought up before. By the looks of it I don't think Telerik is actually admitting it's a bug even though it's totally unexpected behaviour and it also doesn't work at all like it did in SF 3.x so it's unexpected to the user and to the developer.
I personally worked around this issue by creating a menu from scratch and in the itemdatabound of the repeater changing the Url of group menu items to the url of the first item in the group.
No help at all, but at least you can know you're not the only one.
Hi ,
"We will have an internal discussion about how to change the behavior of page group and the first page. Our initial idea is to expose some option for permanent redirect from the group page to the first child and vice versa, so crawlers will not be affected. Any other ideas are appreciated."
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team
Thanks Phill and Ivan.
Yeah it is annoying that there are numbers of differences between 3.x and 4.0, and unsolved issues in 4.0
I hope they can handle this one soon.
I've just upgraded to 4.0 SP1 and the behaviour in this topic now is different. Before SP1 the group page redirected to first child page as expected. Now after upgrade, the group page displays an error. The resource is not found HTTP 404.
What happened ? I need that option to redirect from the group page (in a menu) to a chid page.
Thans for your help!!
Hello John,
The problem you experience looks like related to this issue
Can you give us detailed steps how to replicate the issue.
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team
I have the same problem. when i click a group page in navigation i get this error : The resource cannot be found.
Hi John and Payam,
Can you, please, verify if you do have any permissions set over the group page or any of the children, or inherited ones, that might be interfering? Also please try logging in as administrator and check if the problems still persist.
Best wishes,
Boyan Barnev
the Telerik team