the backend page for the edit-a-page screen
Is there a backend page for (what I call) the edit-a-page screen?
The page to which I am referring is the one you go to from the Pages list, when you either
- click the page name
- or click View, and then Edit, Content
I have attached a screen shot.
Hi Phil,
There is no special page for editing pages. What you see is a sort of a dialog opened from the page list control int the back-end.
Radoslav Georgiev
the Telerik team
I want to make sure that we are talking about the same thing, and then I have a follow up question.
The page that I am talking about appears in the browser and the address window in the browser has something like this:
So if SF wants to call this "a sort of a dialog" then fine.
We are working w the SF source code because we need massive customization of the "page" to which I am referring. Can you please tell me what .cs file is hit when we click the page name in the Pages List?
(To clarify, the Pages List I am talking about is found at a url like
myServerName:1234/.../Pages )
Thanks tons.
Hi Phil,
Thank you for getting back to me.
Yes we are talking about the same thing. The page editor is a dialog, which is part of the whole pages list cotnrol which sits on the /Sitefinity/Pages page. This is a full screen one as it covers the whole brow sable area. In Sitefinity 4.0 we use the ASP.NET Routing engine and we have created route handler to work with those routes. So when you request a page with /Action/Edit following the page url the route handler will catch this and call the page editor.
If you take a look at the Bootstrapper class in the method RegisterRoutes you will see that we register a frontend route handler with the name Frontend. If you examine the type of the route handler you will see that in the GetRouteData method we check if the current context contains the page edit call and if it does we call open up the page for edit mode.
However since you need to make customizations to this area it would be best if you can open up a support ticket and explain what you are aiming for. Then we will be able to provide you with a more concrete response and give you guidance.
All the best,
Radoslav Georgiev
the Telerik team