Template based on another template

Posted by Community Admin on 03-Aug-2018 21:12

Template based on another template

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Posted by Community Admin on 01-Feb-2011 00:00

Hi guys,

I have a page template based on another page template. When I change the template's name on the first one, the link to my base template disappears. I would expect to keep the base template when I change a template's name.
I haven't tested this behaviour with pages but this shouldn't happen there neither, I think...

Another issue. When I change the base template for a given template in the Actions menu I get a window message saying the template has been changed. I click Ok. But the template's page doesn't refresh to show up the new base template (on the based on column).


Posted by Community Admin on 02-Feb-2011 00:00

Hi John,

Regarding your first problem, we are already working on it - it is logged as a bug with id 105332 and will be fixed in the next weekly release.

I am not able to reproduce the second issue. Can you provide some more information - what browser are you using? What is your base template - some of the default ones, a custom created template, based on a master page? You could attach a short video. Thank you in advance!

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