Bare-bone Custom Module Example
Is there a bare-bone custom module example that shows/demonstrates how to build a custom module using a separate database table using the backend UI capabilities such as MastergridView? There is no need for revision and publish status controls etc for this module.
We are trying to convert our Sitefinity 3.7 custom modules to the 4.0 format. Since there are currently issues with certain bubble events using the RadGrid (Insert, Edit and custom commands) using a simple module approach with a RadGrid for insert, update and delete is not a possibility (until service pack 1 is being released).
We would like to take advance of the advanced custom module approach (like the ProductsModule) using a separate database table to re-create our 3.7 custom module.
A little background on the Module (Manage a list of Frequently Asked Questions):
tbl_faqs --> custom table added to the Sitefinity database
id (int pk)
question (varchar 500)
answer (varchar 500)
ordinal (int)
Need the ability to create new, edit and delete.
Any help with be greatly appreciated!
Ole T.
Thank you for using our services.
When you install Sitefinity 4.0 you will get the Sitefinity 4.0 SDK. Currently the SDK contains 3 sample modules as well as a Visual Studio template for a Sitefinity Module.
All the best,
Radoslav Georgiev
the Telerik team