Very basic questions on Silverlight Controls

Posted by Community Admin on 03-Aug-2018 21:03

Very basic questions on Silverlight Controls

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Posted by Community Admin on 10-Feb-2011 00:00

I'm just starting with SiteFinity and am trying to test the Book Silverlight control. This is what I tried.

1. From the Project Manager I selected the project and clicked "Go to Administration".
2. Clicked "Pages" from top menubar (within the browser)
3. Selected Edit Content from the action menu.
4. On the right side of the page, under Drag Widgets, I expanded RadControls.

This is where I'm stuck. I don't see any of the Silverlight controls. I was expecting to drag the "Book" Silverlight (as a widget) onto a page, set the necccessary properties and have it working.

1. Are the Silverlight controls only accessable from Visual Studio?
2. Is it possible to use the Silverlight controls as widgets?
3. I know very little about Silverlight. Do I need to learn how to program against silverlight to use the "Book" (or any of the other) Silverlight Rad Controls?

Posted by Community Admin on 10-Feb-2011 00:00

Hi David,

Silverlight controls are not added directly as widgets. You can create Silverlight controls in Sitefinity and then plug them in Sitefinity. I suggest that you should take a look out our SDK where we have used the Book control. You can also take a look at

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