Hosting for 4.0?
Hey all,
Can anyone point me to a good hosting provider for Sitefinity 4.0? Looking for somebody who specifically supports or partners with Telerik/Sitefinity to help out with installation issues I'm having.
- William
Hi William,
You can take a look at this page for Sitefinity hosting partners. It really depends on your needs. For shared hosting, I think are a good option. If you are looking for dedicated servers or solutions, more powerful than shared hosting, then maybe RackSpace would be able to meet your needs.
In any case, you can take a look at that page and contact any hosting company of your choice directly. If any other member of the community wants to share his experience with one of these or another one, please feel free to!
Best wishes,
Grisha 'Greg' Karanikolov
the Telerik team
I wouldn't touch shared hosting with a 10 foot pole until telerik fixes their memory management with SF 4.0.
Read through this thread.
I agree with Michael. I would go for a V-Server somewhere. I currently host with a very pleasing hoster in the US which is not (yet) on the list of recomended hosters.
write me to mb (at) and I will tell you who I am talking about.
Thanks, Michael and Markus.
I have to say, reading that thread has definitely not improved my week. I'm hoping that this is truly a high level bug to fix and that it'll be addressed in SP1 due out next week.
If not, I'm going to have to stop recommending Sitefinity to our clients and partners and look for another solution, at least until things become more stable in the environment. When you work with clients of various sizes (as I'm sure you guys know), not all of them can afford more than shared hosting.
For our dev environment, we just turned up a cloud server with rackspace.
Markus, I'll definitely be in touch if we need a good recommendation. Thanks for the offer.
- Willam