Mulitple domains tied to one language

Posted by Community Admin on 03-Aug-2018 20:45

Mulitple domains tied to one language

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Posted by Community Admin on 22-Feb-2011 00:00

Is it possible to have multiple domains tied to an additional language. The interface doesn't make it clear if it is possible. Basically we have different test servers for each domain so it would be nice if we could see the right language there as well.

I also noticied after associating the language to the domain the preview in the pages box seems to ignore that we are running sitefinity in a virtural directory and goes directly to the root of our domain which of course doesn't exist. the editor preview works fine though.


Posted by Community Admin on 24-Feb-2011 00:00

Hello Karl,

Currently we have one domain per language supported. Still I think that you can simulate it with changes in your DNS setup or for local testing in your hosts file.

Regarding the virtual directory - you can edit the domain setting and put the virutal directory there, then the previews should be working fine.

Can you provide some more information about your server setup so we can think of some solution that will work for you?

Best wishes,
the Telerik team

Posted by Community Admin on 24-Feb-2011 00:00

Ok, i will update it with the domains with the vir directory and give that a try.

Basically we have an external staging site on a seperate server with a different domain name that customer test prior to launching new thing so I imagine at some point they will notice that the content is different. I just thought it might be possible to set something in a config file to default the language that server uses.

Posted by Community Admin on 07-Mar-2011 00:00

Hi Karl,

You can use the resourcesConfig.config file located under App_Data\Sitefinity\Configuration\ folder.
Check this part:

<resourcesConfig xmlns:config="urn:telerik:sitefinity:configuration" xmlns:type="urn:telerik:sitefinity:configuration:type" config:version="4.0.4082.41027" defaultCultureKey="english-en-us" defaultBackendCultureKey="english-en-us" multilingual="True">

You can switch the default frontend language by modifying the defaultCultureKey="english-en-us" attribute
 to some of the cultures that you have installed:
        <clear />
        <add culture="en-US" uiCulture="en" key="english-en-us" />
        <add culture="bg-BG" uiCulture="bg" key="bulgarian-bg-bg" />

You may use the key attributes for this.

the Telerik team

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