Sitefinity 4.0 Q1 SP1 Released
What’s New
What’s Fixed
Important Fix (Upgrade is recommended):
Performance Optimizations
Page Templates
Images, Videos, Documents and Files
Users and Permissions
Multilingual Support
SDK> Products Module Sample
Known Issues
For a list of known issue, please, see Siteifnity on Telerik’s Public Tracking System. You can vote and report bugs there.
Removed RadControls from Widgets toolbar
Why were these removed, and if I already was using them, will they still be there? I was using the RadToolTip one quite a bit.
Backend Pages – Included ability to edit backend templates
How do i edit the backend insert template for News?
@Kristian - The RadControls toolbox sections is not completely removed. It is disabled from the configurations -> Administration -> Settings -> Advanced -> Toolboxes -> PageControls -> RadControls toolbox section. You can enable it from simply setting the Enable checkbox in administration. This will not stop you using the RadControls within Sitefinity projects as we are not changing the way we ship the control suites with the CMS.
@Duneel - Backend templates can be edited by going to Administration -> Backend Pages. When you are on the backend pages screen in the right side bar you will see Templates link which will take you the backend templates section. All backend pages use the same template. I think what you want to do is connected to editing the template for the news backend control.
Radoslav Georgiev
the Telerik team
I was expecting to see the shared content functionality???
Hi Andrei,
Please check our Roadmap. The Shared Content feature will be released with the 2011 Q1 release, about a month from now.
Best wishes,
Radoslav Georgiev
the Telerik team
Would you recommend a full msi download at this point or just the project manager will do just fine?
Hello Andrei,
Depends on what you are aiming for. For development purposes I recommend that you use the MSI.
We have some new documentation regarding the products sample module as well as a number of fixes in the sample code for modules. I would use the full MSI installation and let it upgrade my existing one. Since I use the Libraries folder as the store location for reference assemblies this will automatically update my reference assemblies and all I need to do is build my projects to so that they get the new binaries.
Make sure you backup existing projects before you install the new SP.
All the best,
Radoslav Georgiev
the Telerik team
Will we still be getting weekly builds up to Q1? I am hoping to maybe get the shared content in one of the weekly builds before Q1 as I have to deliver this project by 29th/30th.
Hello Andrei,
Yes, weekly releases will be not be stopped.
We will try to push the new features into weekly releases - there are other people with the same suggestions.
How can we tell if the SP took? I've applied it to a local copy--I think--but one of the major, major bugs I needed fixed and was told would be is not fixed, so I'm not sure if the SP is fully installed or not.
the way I checked it was to go to the Bin directory of your WebApplication and check the version of the Telerik.Sitefinity.dll. If it shows 4.0.1210.0 then you are updated.
Obviously you have done the upgrade first. Also, would give it a rebuild as well.
DLL looks OK. Anything in the database I can check?
not not aware of anything to be checked in the database.
you can also view the source for your public website, there should be a meta tag that says something like
<meta name="Generator" content="Sitefinity 4.0.1218.0 SE" />
depending on your version.
Previously, it was mentioned that SP1 would include support for standard ASP.NET Membership/Role providers. I don't see that listed as one of the changes though. Was this featured added to SP1 or not?
Is there any eta on being able to actually uninstall a module? I still don't see the point in allowing for easy installation of a module if it can't be uninstall too. I have a live site still waiting for a custom module that was promised to the customer but I can't add it because the site/database has a partially uninstalled module from the development process.
Pretty pretty please? I'd look like much less of an idiot in my customer's eyes if I could finally get this resolved.
Is there any recommended upgrade path for current production sites? I know to backup the site and copy the new files on top of the current site in a test environment. But is it a straight copy of the empty project directory?
Are there anyone encounter a problem with "Products Sample Module"?
I've installed the module base on the guide which Sitefinity provided. So module is showing under "Content" menu and able to create some sample products. However, I got the "More than one item in the sequence." error when I drag and drop the "Products Widget" to the page.
Could you please help?
Thanks for fixing the navigation state between multiple navigation controls on the same page :)
Hi Telerik,
Would you please be able to confirm which release the URL Rewrite will be released in. Our Sitefinity 4 project is an upgrade on a standard ASP.NET website, therefore lots of the page URL's will change and we need to add 301 handlers for these scenarios.
@Phil - I too am in the same boat. Telerik?
I replaced all DLLs in Bin folder with DLLs from SP1.
Now I am getting this error:
Could you please tell how to update for exaple starter kit website.
Looks like the Membership Provider Wrappers won't be available until the release of Q1, the week of 4/4 according to this post:
Hi John,
Yes the wrappers will be available for Q1 release. The SP1 includes only bug fixes. New features will be included in Q1 release.
Kind regards,
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team
Could you please confirm when the following two features are planned for release:
- URL Advanced Rewriter
- Module uninstall functionality
I need both for a couple of projects and I need to manage my clients expectations.
Hi higgsy,
URL Advanced Rewriter is not in our plans for this or the next quater. I have logged it to review by our business analysts. In the meanwhile, please, use an external tool to achieve the desired rewrites.
As to the module uninstall - we are planning a series of documentation articles on in the coming month. They will help give a better understanding of the whole process.Hi,
I see that this issue was supposed to be fixed. The un-necessary message box
that asks you "Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page?..."
I am still getting it in IE8, see attached. And not only when editing Templates but
normal pages too. I do not get it in Firefox though.
WHY??? Is IE getting so little support. I come across issues like this on regular basis
which when I switch to Firefox or Chrome they disappear. Why is IE overlooked that much?
Are this issues not tested on all browsers to see if they are fixed?
I know that Firefox is better and all that, but I need it working properly on IE.
We upgraded to SF 4.0 SP1 in order to finally fix page names. Our old 3.7SP4 site had page names with the .aspx extensions and we have hundreds and hundreds of pages indexed this way in Google.
After upgrading to SF4.0SP1 (build 1210) I am disappointed to still be receiving "The URL contains invalid symbols" error when changing the name of a page to "page.aspx".
Is there something I'm doing wrong?
Hi enbrace, To the best of my knowledge, only extensionless pages are available in sitefinity 4 i.e. .aspx pages will not work. I believe this is due to be fixed soon. If you are happy to move over to extensionless urls, you can quite easily implement iis URL rewrite to respond with a 301 to any request to a URL with a. .aspx extension. This will keep the search engines happy with the proper response code, and also ensure anyone with the old URL bookmarked is redirected to the new page. Hope this helps Higgsy
Was jQuery conflict solved?
After upgrading and copying all of the files and restore the db on the production i am getting this error, while locally everything works fine
error: Invalid root node configured for pages. No root node with the name of "FrontendSiteMap".
Hello George ,
If the connection string is different, make sure that in both environments the database user is db_owner or it is the same user. For example, if the user is db_owner it creates tables with dbo.tableName, if it is not - userName.tableName, which are two different tables. Maybe the data has not been published correctly. Could you please open sf_page_node table and make sure that it is not empty and the value of the app_name column for all records is '[ProjectName_From_ProjectConfig]/'.
Project name has been changed - project name is used as an identifier and it is not possible to change it on a later stage, configuration files are not the same or there is an issue with the database.
Kind regards,
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team
Has anyone sucessfully upgraded? I'm having issues after the upgrade, can't create libraries and blogs have issues.
Hi Jean -
I was able to use the project manager to upgrade to SP1 without any issues. Does your project still build in Visual Studio properly?
: Greg
Hi Greg,
It all stills compile fine in VS.NET. I followed the manual proccess to upgrade, 1. Replaced all the dll in the bin folder with the new ones 2) Recompiled the project 3)Opened up the admin section. According to the documentation the database would the be upgraded. Everything else is fine, just can't create new libraries, I get a messagebox Retun code 0.
Jean Erasmus
Hi Jean,
Could you send us the service trace log
I believe that it will provide some more details. Do you have similar problems with other modules?
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team
Can you please tell me when the FORUMS module will be available? i just can't upgrade my 3.x deployment to 4 because of this. I have huge set of forums and threads in my current application.
I am really disappointed regarding forums...
Hi Muhammad Saqib,
We haven't planned to have Forums module before the Q3 release. We will provide integration scenario with another forum platform though. Hopefully we will do this shortly.
Kind regards,@Telerik, as we all wait patiently for the Q1(4.1) release I think this post should either be renamed or removed. Even though I've seen it here a number of times, at a glance it's always confusing and will be even more confusing once Q1 is actually released. This SP1 was NOT a service pack for SF Q1 (aka 4.1) as this release is still not available. So once 4.1/Q1 comes out, people new to the forums will think this is SP1 for 4.1/Q1 when it's not and it's actually for 4.0.
So either remove or rename to "Sitefinity 4.0 SP1 Released".
Ditto to Phill. This thread has made my stomach jump in excitement 3 times today already.
3:30pm here...getting antsy...thinking bumped a day?
in 4.1 this silly warning message has reappeared again (see attached image). I did not even open an editor.
just clicked on the 'Back to Templates' link.
Hello Andrei,
That's an issue of IE, but we have logged a bug to find a workaround for it. It doesn't occur in new versions of IE.
Greetings,Thanks Georgi,
When do you think the issue will be fixed by?
Hello Andrei,
I am not very sure. If it is critical for you, we'll rise its priority?
To be honest, the amount of things that this upgrade to 4.1 went wrong,
I have other more critical issues that you could raise the priority of if you can.
1 - I am getting a grey (#F2F2F2) background on the front-end after the upgrade
which is coming from some embedded resource which has ruined my front-end.
Unsure how I can get rid of it.
2 - The news Module is not working properly now. see this: and this:
3 - see this:
4 - see this:
5 - then Sonya has forgotten about this:
6 - and there is the Media selector bug which you said was gonna be fixed by the end of the month.
there are others but i will keep posting them around the forum and hopefully the response turn-around won't be too long.
Many thanks Georgi,
Hi Andrei,
Let's work these out over the support submitted threads.