Make SF not use Masterpage ContentPlaceHolder
When using a master page as a template, sitefinity shows all ContentPlaceHolders on the master page as areas where users can drop widgets. Is there any way to prevent this for certain ContentPlaceHolders?
We have nested master pages. When using the inner master page as a template, we see content placeholders from the outer master pages as widget drop areas. This is not desired.
Hello Damian,
You can use layout elements. On each layout element you can set permissions, so you can allow whether a group of users will be able to use this holder to drop control or not.
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team
That sounds like what I need. Could you give me a hint on how to set the layout permissions?
Hi Damian,
I attached a short video.
Best wishes,
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team
It seems like you can control a users ability to add items to the layout but if that layout is inside of a ContentPlaceHolder they are still able to drop widgets in the ContentPlaceHolder.
Is there any way to block users from dropping widgets on pages into a ContentPlaceHolder?
I would very much like to know how to do this as well. It'd be good if you could have a template only content placeholder type control so widgets can only be dragged into it when editing the template.
Currently this is not supported scenario and it would be hard to make it working because all data is set by ZoneEditor script. One possible option wold be returning null inside its _getPlaceholderPermissions
Kind regards,
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team