Where is Telerik.Utilities.Log.Exception
I was using Telerik.Utilities.Log.Exception in 3.7. I can't find it in the new 4.0 version. Could you help me find the equivalent method?
Hello Abraham,
You can use Telerik.Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Logging;
All the best,
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team
Is that the recommended method for logging unexpected solutions? Is that the same way that you are loggin exceptions? I cannot see that namespace in your API Reference (http://www.sitefinity.com/40/help/developers-guide/r_project.html). Where can I find the DLL that I need to reference from my project.
Hello Abraham,
You can also use Telerik.Sitefinity.Abstractions.Log class. The previous code is using Telerik.Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Logging; You can gather more information at MSDN
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team
Telerik.Sitefinity.Abstractions.Log.Write(ex.Message) works great in C#. Thank you.
When I try to use Telerik.Sitefinity.Abstractions.Log.Write(ex.Message) in VB, I get the following error:
Error 2 'Write' is ambiguous because multiple kinds of members with this name exist in class 'Telerik.Sitefinity.Abstractions.Log'.
Can I use this method in VB?
Hi Abraham,
This is a general issue in VB.
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team
This doesn't have to be the case. If you made sure that members differ in more than just case sensitivity, it would work from VB.
I'm trying to make it so that my errors will end up in the error log. Will Telerik.Sitefinity.Abstractions.Log.Write write to the log files? How can I get all the details of my exceptions there?
Hello Abraham,
Here is a reference to our dev manual that shows all methods of the Log class that you can use
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team
From our main SF 4.1 SP1 application, we are trying to write entries to the /App_Data/Sitefinity/Logs/Error.log file using the following statement:
Telerik.Sitefinity.Abstractions.Log.Write(exception, System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType.Error);
Have you tried the code from the initial post
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team
Sorry, no, we did not try that. It was not clear where those messages were written to, and the accepted answer in this thread seemed to indicate to use the Abstractions.Log.Write method. Sorry if we misunderstood that - you suggested the Abstractions.Log.Write method in a later post than the Logger.Writer.Write method.
We'll give the Logger.Writer.Write method a try.
Which specific dll do I need to add to my bin folder to have the reference work? I am building a project outside of the main Sitefinity project so I only want to add the dll that will help resolve this. There are no dll's that have a name like the following. But the following are errors being thrown.
i got the exception(System.ArgumentException: To delete this page you should move or delete its child pages first. at Telerik.Sitefinity.Modules.Pages.PageManager.Delete(PageNode item)) when i uninstall the modules
How i resolve it plzzz reply
This error is fairly self explanatory. You cannot delete a page before either deleting or moving its child pages.
Stefani Tacheva
Is there documentation for version 9? What nuget package one should be looking for Telerik.Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Logging ?
Hi Shiriyal.
This namespace Telerik.Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Logging is incide Telerik.Sitefinity.Utilities.dll
And this dll is available with this nuget: Telerik.Sitefinity.Core
If you want to install this nuget package, you need to execute this command:
Install-Package Telerik.Sitefinity.Core