HttpHandler To a Virtual Directory
Is there a way with Sitefinity 4.0 to create a HTTPHandler to pass execution to a Virtual Directory?
I am having issues with a project that requires a full blown Portal using the RadDock controls and I have tried everything for two weeks now. I have tried building Modules and Widgets. My time would be better served building it as a Webform or MVC application and putting it in a virtual directory. The timeframe on this project is really tight so I don't have time to keep going down the same road.
Any thoughts or help is appreciated! I am desperate and I can't keep these 40 hour Code marathons going...
Hi John Tolar,
What you can try is to create a custom Route Handler and register it to the route table of the application. Then you can detect patterns in the url and pass execution to the appropriate resource. You can find this forum post useful.
Best wishes,
Radoslav Georgiev
the Telerik team