free form custom widget
I need to create a widget that has tabs this tab widget needs to be freeform, meaning that the users can add content to each tab using the content widget. Can this be done within Sitefinity?
I have a tab widget
I have a free form widget, meaning its blank, and the users can add text to it, however, I need to merge these two together and allow the users to drag a content widget, image widget, video widget, etc on a tab or all tabs,
can this be done?
You won't be able to drag and drop usercontrols onto other usercontrols...not sure if that is what you are thinking but I do believe what you are trying to do is possible with a different development approach...
What i would probably do...and this is a quick stab is to create a CustomDesignerTemplate for this control that will allow the user to select which tab to put info in...each tab have a sf:HtmlField for data entry?
Hi Jerami ,
Actually you can create a custom tab layout control that will allow you to drop controls in its tab and set the content. For instance you can use CotnentBlocks or some custom controls.Please take a look at this post
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team
I'm not using the Rad Controls, do I have to? I'm looking to create my own tabs without the "heavy load" of a prebuilt control.
Also, I looked at the link in the post, and it takes me to an updated developer doc, and there is no 'creating layouts' in the new doc, was it removed all together? I do remember seeing something about creating custom layouts when I first starting looking at sitefinity and now its gone
I knew I should have said I don't believe its possible. Good to know I'll review that post.
So is this new functionality added in 4.0?
not sure if its new, but it doesn't work.