Widget Templates
I need to ask some questions for editing widget templates:
1- can I change the appearance of the "blog comments" control in the "Blog posts single item" template, I need to implement my custom "blog comments control" to replace the default one?
2- I need to add a custom control to the "Blog Posts single item" control, I created a custom control on my website, and I add the registration of this control in the "Blog Posts - Single" widget like:
<%@ Register src="~/Custom/MyControl.ascx" TagPrefix="Custom" TagName="MyControl"%>
Then I added the definition of the control in the html mark-up of the control like:
<Custom:MyControl Id="someID" runat="server"></Custom:MyControl>
I got an error "unknown server tag",
any support?
Hi AmrElsayed,
1. If you want to change the appearance you can do this only using css. If you need to make changes to the comments functionality you need to create a custom control that inherits from ContentView and add it inside DetailsView template.
2. Please make sure that you have compiled the application after the changes you made.It looks like the template does not recognize the tag you use.
All the best,
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team