Admin View in Sitefinity 4

Posted by Community Admin on 03-Aug-2018 10:39

Admin View in Sitefinity 4

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Posted by Community Admin on 18-Mar-2011 00:00

Does the ProviderControlPanel architecture still exist?
as per ivan's old blog post

Seems like everything has moved around and I'm feeling mega confused.

Normally inside the ProviderControlPanel class we'd have something like this

/// <summary>
/// Summary description for PromotionsControlPanel
/// </summary>
public class PromotionsControlPanel : ProviderControlPanel<PromotionsControlPanel>
    public PromotionsControlPanel()
        : base(false)
    protected override void CreateViews()
        AddView("PermissionsView", "~/Views/Backend/PermissionsView.ascx", "Permissions", string.Empty, string.Empty, null);
    protected override void CreateCommandPanelsFromUserControls(string viewMode, System.Collections.Generic.List<string> userControls, System.Collections.Generic.List<Telerik.Web.ICommandPanel> list)
        if (userControls == null)
            userControls = new List<string>();
        base.CreateCommandPanelsFromUserControls(viewMode, userControls, list);
    public PromotionsManager Manager
            if (this.manager == null)
                this.manager = new PromotionsManager();
            return this.manager;
    private PromotionsManager manager;

With the PromotionView being defined as follows

public class PromotionView : ViewModeControl<PromotionsControlPanel>
       /// <summary>
       /// Creates the child views for the contacts view
       /// </summary>
       protected override void CreateViews()
           AddView("ListView", "~/Views/Backend/Promotion/PromotionsListView.ascx", "Promotion List", "Listing Promotion", string.Empty, null);
           AddView("EditView", "~/Views/Backend/Promotion/PromotionsEditView.ascx", "Edit Promotion", "Edit Promotion", string.Empty, null);
           AddView("InsertView", "~/Views/Backend/Promotion/PromotionsInsertView.ascx", "Create Promotion", "Create Promotion", string.Empty, null);

Is it possible at all to do a similar sort of thing in Sitefinity 4 if so how source code we be very helpful.

Posted by Community Admin on 18-Mar-2011 00:00

Hi Luke ,

In 4.0 we use definition classes and the architecure is completely diferent from what you see in 3.x. In 4.0 we use RESTful services and client side binders. The data is persisted by Telerik Open Access which is responsible for database management.

In the definition you have

1. ListView - it is represented by MasterGridViewElement

var moduleGridView = new MasterGridViewElement(backendContentView.ViewsConfig)
              ViewName = ModuleDefinitions.BackendListViewName,
              ViewType = typeof(MasterGridView),
              AllowPaging = true,
              DisplayMode = FieldDisplayMode.Read,
              ItemsPerPage = 50,
              ResourceClassId = typeof(ModuleResources).Name,
              ExtendedSearchFields = "Title",
              SortExpression = "Title ASC",
              Title = "Title",
              WebServiceBaseUrl = "~/Sitefinity/Services/Content/ContentItemService.svc/"

This view is populated by a WCFRestful services that you should create to bind the items when you work with custom modules.

2. Then you have a mode of the grid where you populate the client data like - status, author, title etc

var gridMode = new GridViewModeElement(moduleGridView .ViewModesConfig)
           Name = "Grid"
       (moduleGridView .ViewModesConfig.Add(gridMode);
       DataColumnElement titleColumn = new DataColumnElement(gridMode.ColumnsConfig)
           Name = "Title",
           HeaderText = Res.Get<Labels>().Title,
           HeaderCssClass = "sfTitleCol",
           ItemCssClass = "sfTitleCol",
           ClientTemplate = @"<a sys:href='javascript:void(0);' sys: 'sf_binderCommand_edit sfItemTitle sf' + UIStatus.toLowerCase()"">
               <span class='sfStatusLocation'>Status</span></a>"
       var translationsColumn = new DynamicColumnElement(gridMode.ColumnsConfig)
           Name = "Translations",
           HeaderText = Res.Get<LocalizationResources>().Translations,
           DynamicMarkupGenerator = typeof(LanguagesColumnMarkupGenerator),
           ItemCssClass = "sfLanguagesCol",
           HeaderCssClass = "sfLanguagesCol"
       translationsColumn.GeneratorSettingsElement = new LanguagesColumnMarkupGeneratorElement(translationsColumn)
           LanguageSource = LanguageSource.Frontend,
           ItemsInGroupCount = DefinitionsHelper.LanguageItemsPerRow,
           ContainerTag = "div",
           GroupTag = "div",
           ItemTag = "div",
           ContainerClass = string.Empty,
           GroupClass = string.Empty,
           ItemClass = string.Empty
       ActionMenuColumnElement actionsColumn = new ActionMenuColumnElement(gridMode.ColumnsConfig)
           Name = "Actions",
           HeaderText = Res.Get<Labels>().Actions,
           HeaderCssClass = "sfMoreActions",
           ItemCssClass = "sfMoreActions"
       DefinitionsHelper.FillActionMenuItems(actionsColumn.MenuItems, actionsColumn, typeof(MyCustomResources).Name);
       DataColumnElement authorColumn = new DataColumnElement(gridMode.ColumnsConfig)
           Name = "Author",
           HeaderText = Res.Get<Labels>().Author,
           ClientTemplate = "<span>Author</span>",
           HeaderCssClass = "sfRegular",
           ItemCssClass = "sfRegular"
       DataColumnElement dateColumn = new DataColumnElement(gridMode.ColumnsConfig)
           ///.format('dd MMM, yyyy hh:mm:ss')
           Name = "Date",
           HeaderText = Res.Get<Labels>().Date,
           ClientTemplate = "<span> (DateCreated) ? DateCreated.sitefinityLocaleFormat('dd MMM, yyyy hh:mm:ss'): '-' </span>",
           HeaderCssClass = "sfDate",
           ItemCssClass = "sfDate"

3. You should have decision screen - create item, edit item which are equivalents of the views in 3.x

DecisionScreenElement dsElement = new DecisionScreenElement((moduleGridView .DecisionScreensConfig)
     Name = "NoItemsExistScreen",
     DecisionType = DecisionType.NoItemsExist,
     MessageType = MessageType.Neutral,
     Displayed = false,
     Title = "WhatDoYouWantToDoNow",
     MessageText = "NoItems",
     ResourceClassId = typeof((moduleResources).Name
 CommandWidgetElement actionCreateNew = new CommandWidgetElement(dsElement.Actions)
     Name = "Create",
     ButtonType = CommandButtonType.Create,
     CommandName = DefinitionsHelper.CreateCommandName,
     Text = "CreateItem",
     ResourceClassId = typeof(moduleResources).Name,
     CssClass = "sfCreateItem",
     PermissionSet = SecurityConstants.Sets.General.SetName,
     ActionName = SecurityConstants.Sets.General.Create

4. You need edit/insert form view

var  EditDetailView = new DetailFormViewElement(backendContentView.ViewsConfig)
                Title = "EditItem",
                ViewName = ModuleDefinitions.BackendEditViewName,
                ViewType = typeof(DetailFormView),
                ShowSections = true,
                DisplayMode = FieldDisplayMode.Write,
                ShowTopToolbar = true,
                ResourceClassId = typeof(MyCustomResources).Name,
                WebServiceBaseUrl = "~/Sitefinity/Services/Content/ContentItemService.svc/",
                IsToRenderTranslationView = true,
                AlternativeTitle = "CreateNewItem"
            backendContentView.ViewsConfig.Add(EditDetailView );
         var InsertDetailView = new DetailFormViewElement(backendContentView.ViewsConfig)
                Title = "CreateNewItem",
                ViewName = ModuleDefinitions.BackendInsertViewName,
                ViewType = typeof(DetailFormView),
                ShowSections = true,
                DisplayMode = FieldDisplayMode.Write,
                ShowTopToolbar = true,
                ResourceClassId = typeof(moduleResources).Name,
                WebServiceBaseUrl = "~/Sitefinity/Services/Content/ContentItemService.svc/",
                IsToRenderTranslationView = false

Each control is represented by DefinitionElement - Represents a configuration element within a configuration file for each field definition. For example TextFieldDefinitionElement - represents a configuration element for text fields, DateFieldElement - represents a configuration element that describes a date field.

There is a base class DefinitionsHelper which implements the  action menu widget element and action menu command which are used in the module definition

private static void CreateDialogs(ConfigElementCollection parent)
            var parameters = string.Concat(
            DialogElement createDialogElement = DefinitionsHelper.CreateDialogElement(

public const string BackendDefinitionName = "MyModuleBackend";

You call the CreateDialog when you

#region Dialogs definition
var parameters = string.Concat("?TypeName=Telerik.Sitefinity.Samples.CustomDataItem&Title=", Res.Get<MyModuleResources>().MyDataFields, "&BackLabelText=", Res.Get<MyModuleResources>().BackToItems, "&ItemsName=", Res.Get<MyModuleResources>().PluralNameForMyObject);
DialogElement moduleEditorDialogElement = DefinitionsHelper.CreateDialogElement(
#region Links definition
myCustomGridView.LinksConfig.Add(new LinkElement(myGridView.LinksConfig)
    Name = "viewComments",
    CommandName = DefinitionsHelper.CommentsCommandName,
    NavigateUrl = RouteHelper.CreateNodeReference(MyCutomModule.CommentsPageId)
myGridView.LinksConfig.Add(new LinkElement(myCustomGridView.LinksConfig)
    Name = "viewSettings",
    CommandName = DefinitionsHelper.SettingsCommandName,
    NavigateUrl = RouteHelper.CreateNodeReference(SiteInitializer.AdvancedSettingsNodeId) + "/MyCustomModule"

Most of the things above are just a configuration, as you can see there is no coding

Please download a free trial and install the SDK Product samples module which shows this in details. I suggest that you should also check our online documentation.

Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team

Posted by Community Admin on 21-Mar-2011 00:00

Hmmm I see. I was afraid you were going to say that.
Yes I have downloaded the Sitefinity 4.0 SP1.
What happens if you want to modify the admin add and edit pages is it at all possible?
For example:
I have a Custom Module that I need to build that has a title and description field as well as an image, I also need to plot points on the image as hotspots.
Previously I did this through by creating an object that stores the x and y points and the associated custom module ID.
This was very easy to do in Sitefinity 3.7 and I have done a similar projects before however I'm struggling to find were I even start with doing it in 4.0. Like you said there's no coding to

I've built numerous Sitefinity 3.x websites in the past and it seems the learning curve for Sitefinity 4.0 is quite steep, I hate to think what it's like for any newbies.

Posted by Community Admin on 21-Mar-2011 00:00

Hello Luke,

When you create a new module it installs backend pages. This is done in InstallPages method. You can create backend pages from the UI as well.

For title and description you can use TextFieldDefinitionElement - represents a configuration element for text fields. For the image - ImageFieldDefinition.

Kind regards,
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team

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