Comments for any 'content block' or page
The comments apply to news, events and blogs, is there a way to extend these to maybe attach them to a page, or content block or even a custom control?
Hi Kristian,
The PageData has a property comments, so theoretically it is possible to have comments for pages. You should have custom control that gets/sets the comments. You can get the current page from the SiteMapBase.GetActualCurrentNode and then call PageManager to extract the page node. The PageNode has a property Page which gives you the PageData object over which you can set comments. Note that the group pages do not have PageData.
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team
Hi Kristian,
There aren't granular permissions for comments. You can choose only between registered and anonymous users and you can approve the comments before they get shown on the website. Of course it is possible to customize the comments view a bit to achieve your goal.
All the best,
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team
Dear Ivan / Kristian,
Please can you provide me sample so I unable to find PageData and Don't know how to do implementation, I would be great full if any one can tell me one by one steps.
Hello Qainan,
Please take a look at our developers manual where you will find the references you need.
Best wishes,
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team