Showing secure pages in navigation and styling

Posted by Community Admin on 03-Aug-2018 22:00

Showing secure pages in navigation and styling

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Posted by Community Admin on 11-Apr-2011 00:00

The default behavior for secure pages in Sitefinity, is for it to hide those pages from the navigation until you login.  I read in a previous post for 3.7, that you can show secure pages by adding the following code to web.config

<siteMap defaultProvider="CmsSiteMapProvider" enabled="true" >
        <add name="CmsSiteMapProvider" 
         description="Displays Cms Pages"

But what about in Sitefinity 4.0?  Is this still possible?

And is there anyway to maybe assign classes to those menu items that are secure?  So basically, a secure page would clearly appear and illustrate the fact that you will have to login to see the content on that page.  Much like you see in the navigation on this site:


Posted by Community Admin on 12-Apr-2011 00:00

Hello Orion,

In Sitefinity 4 you can create a custom role to which at a later moment you can assign permissions which can be inherited by certain pages. Lets have the case if you want users under the role " VIP " to have access to pages which are not shown on the public part of the website -  you need to create a specific role for them then assign it to the users and choose which pages to inherit the permissions. If you want the VIP pages to be seen by everybody but still to require a login you need to create a custom navigation widget (you can use RadMenu).
For example you get all pages, check their permissions and display those who inherit special permissions in a different way ( color ). You can do this when you bind the RadMenu - inside ItemDataBound event of the control.

Best wishes,
Victor Velev
the Telerik team

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