Development and the 30 day trial limit

Posted by Community Admin on 03-Aug-2018 15:22

Development and the 30 day trial limit

All Replies

Posted by Community Admin on 13-Apr-2011 00:00

I was wondering if there's a 'right-way' to develop custom add-ons/widgets etc that didn't require to either activate a trial license or be stuck with the community edition.

The community edition allows me to install a 'free' installation which could be used as a technical installation to build custom widgets and stuff on. But if I wanted to develop with the multilingual support or the 'form-builder' module (or 'product' in the future) I would require a 'standard' edition.

Is there something as a 'developer edition' which has the technical functionality of a standard edition, page limits or localhost limitation wouldn't be a problem of course since its only an installation to develop on top of...

Or does you require me to purchase a 'standard' license to be able to have a continues internal development installation ?


Posted by Community Admin on 14-Apr-2011 00:00

Hello Jochem,

Thank you for raising this question, it's really important. We have included this question and its answer on our Marketplace FAQ - all publishers who have at least one published marketplace listing will receive not-for-resale (NFR) licenses for the Sitefinity Small Business Edition, Sitefinity Standard Edition, and Sitefinity Professional Edition. Those NFR licenses can only be used for development of Sitefinity add-ons for the Marketplace.

I hope this information is helpful, Jochem! If you need further assistance, please do not hesitate to get back to us at your convenience!

Kind regards,
Grisha 'Greg' Karanikolov
the Telerik team

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