Looping on the License Activation Page
I just upgraded to Q1 and I am now on the license activation page.
I activate the license, and I even get the confirmation screen.
When I click on confirm, I get back to the activation page instead of moving forward to the website.
What are the possible reasons for this?
Thank you,
Hi F,
Please make sure that you use the correct key. I see that you have a key generated today. You can upload it to Sitefintiy as separate file. This key is valid until 15 May 2011.
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team
Thank you for your help,
I already tried this (I tried both using email + password, and the key I have for 4.1), in both cases, i get to the confirmation screen, and on confirm, i'm redirected to the license form.
Hello F,
Can you try to put the key under SitefinityWebApp/App_Data/Sitefinity , restart the application and see if you will access the admin part.
Best wishes,
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team
Hello, and thank you,
I would try what you asked me, but it seems like the problem got solved by itself.
I went home and came back to work, tried again, and it now works.
Sorry, I would have liked to test what you just asked, in case someone else has the same problem.
Thank you anyway :-)