Intranet Starter Kit Document Uploads

Posted by Community Admin on 03-Aug-2018 21:55

Intranet Starter Kit Document Uploads

All Replies

Posted by Community Admin on 19-Apr-2011 00:00

Two questions:

1.) What is the upgrade path for a starter kit?  Meaning I do not want to grab a fresh install and bring it over, how do I go about upgrading it?  I tried to add it into the project manager, but it would not give me an upgrade option.  How would I manually upgrade this type of project?

2.) I am using 4.0.1210.0 and up until now have just glanced at it.  It seemed like everything was installed correctly, but as I went to upload a document I found that I am unable to do so.  I keep receiving "Return Code 0" and firebug shows that the PUT of the file is being aborted for some reason.  I am able to upload images just fine and content/blogs/news/events all seems to be working.  Is there something in how the intranet modules are using the document library that is preventing the normal use of it?

I was logged on as an administrator so permissions should not have been an issue.  When looking at permissions they appear to be fine. 

I already have a lot of content loaded and templates setup so I would love to get this working, but I am wondering if I am just better off starting over with the normal standard edition install.

Posted by Community Admin on 22-Apr-2011 00:00

Hello Stacey,

The Intranet Starter kit is a little bit more complex to upgrade, because it contains a custom module. We introduced some changes in OpenAccess requiring code changes in all custom modules. I'm not sure exactly why the specific error you mention is thrown, but we'll resolve issues like these when we upgrade the starter kit in-house. We plan to do it next week, but if you want a working solution now I would recommend starting from a blank project.

Kind regards,
the Telerik team

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