4.0 Projects Not Visible in 4.1 Project Manager
I have installed Sitefinity 4.1, which installed side by side with Sitefinity 4.0 SP1. When I open the Sitefinity 4.1 Project Manager, none of my existing Sitefinity 4.0 SP1 projects are available. They are only visible from the Sitefinity 4.0 SP1 Project Manager and I am not able to upgrade them through the older Project Manager. Should Sitefinity 4.1 not have installed side by side with 4.0 SP1? If not, this was the default behavior, so how would I prevent this behavior? If it is installed correctly, how would I get access to my 4.0 SP1 project through the 4.1 Project Manager and get them successfully upgraded to 4.1?
Hey Geoff,
IMO you shouldn't have to do this but in order to get it to work you need to manually copy the projects.xml file over from your 4.0 install to your 4.1 install folder. I've seen other suggestions of copying the project manager exe back over but I'd think it's better to copy the xml data. Do this and you should be ok. As to why the install can't do this for you I have no idea, perhaps it was rushed out the door of they thought that all existing customers were happy with 4.0 and would never want to upgrade.
Agreed. The process needs to be worked out and simplified somehow.
That took care of it. Not that the upgrade process went smoothly after that, but updating the projects.xml got the project to show up in the Project Manager. Thanks for your help, Phil.