Single Sign on not working with Sitefinity 4.0
We are using CMS Integration with our Website. by using Sitefinity APIs we are able to create new users in Sitefinity whenever we create new user in our web site. Once user login to our website we want the user automatically login to Sitefinity that is Single sign on when user goto Http:/Website/Sitefinity/
following are the configurtions we did at web.config
authentication mode="Forms"
forms name=".ASPNET" loginUrl="~/sitefinity/login" protection="All" timeout="1440" path="/"/
During our login process we are Validating Sitefinity user by calling
Public Function ValidateSitefinityUser(ByVal UserName As String, ByVal Password As String) As Boolean
Dim oManager As
Telerik.Sitefinity.Security.UserManager = Telerik.Sitefinity.Security.UserManager.GetManager
Return oManager.ValidateUser(UserName, Password)
End Function
Above function returning true and then we are settting the cookie
If m_wsSiteFinity.ValidateSitefinityUser(CMSUserName, WebUserPassword) Then
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(CMSUserName, False)
bResult = True
End If
Above functionality is working correctly and the cookie is set. However when we goto ~/Sitefinity/ URL we are expecting we will be automatically login. but Login dialog shown to us. Please note this works fine with Sitefinity 3.7
Thanks in advance for your help.
Some update on this problem.
I tried following code from one of the post
User sitefinityUser;
providerName =
// using default provider
rememberMe =
UserLoggingReason result = SecurityManager.AuthenticateUser(providerName,
"user name"
, rememberMe,
authenticated = result == UserLoggingReason.Success;
Hello Sham,
Can you check the authenticated result ?
authenticated = validate == UserLoggingReason.Success;
Hi Ivan,
Yes i checked the result. the result is success. if you refer image attachment to previous thread the user is shown online. even i am generating the cookie explicitly by adding code
following is the function from my webservice which returns true
Public Function ValidateSitefinityUser(ByVal UserName As String, ByVal Password As String) As Boolean
Dim oManager As Telerik.Sitefinity.Security.UserManager = Telerik.Sitefinity.Security.UserManager.GetManager
If oManager.ValidateUser(UserName, Password) Then
Dim oMemUser As MembershipUser
oMemUser = oManager.GetUser(username)
Dim membershipProvider As String = Nothing'oMemUser.ProviderName
'Dim response As HttpResponseBase = SystemManager.CurrentHttpContext.Response
Dim validate As UserLoggingReason = Telerik.Sitefinity.Security.SecurityManager.AuthenticateUser(UserManager.GetDefaultProviderName(), username, password, False, oMemUser)
Dim authenticated As Boolean
authenticated = validate = UserLoggingReason.Success
Return authenticated
End If
End Function
If FormsAuthentication.GetAuthCookie(CMSUserName, False) IsNot Nothing Then
New Exception(Convert.ToString("Cookie Exist")))
End If
Just an update, i tried following logic sent by Boyan Barnev but after redirecting to sitefinity page its prompting me for login. the login control/page shown on the page instead of home page.
Can you, please, try if the below sample code will successfully authenticate your user - I've tested it on my side and it works fine. Please implement it in your code and inform me if the suggested solution works. Also, please make sure the user you are trying to authenticate belong to a role that has proper permissions set to access Sitefinity backend.
UserManager manager = UserManager.GetManager();
User objUser = manager.GetUser("MyUser");
var validate = SecurityManager.AuthenticateUser(UserManager.GetDefaultProviderName(), "MyUser", "password", false, outobjUser);
boolauthenticated = validate == UserLoggingReason.Success;
Hi Ivan,
Thank you very much for the post. You are correct that the cookie is not getting generated for user. when i normally login to Sitefinity is generates cookie but not when i use SetAuthCookie(Username, False). i have added following config in web.config
<authentication mode="Forms" >
<forms name=".ASPNET" loginUrl="~/sitefinity/" timeout="1440" path="/"/>
also SetAuthCookie method along with AuthenticateUser. is there something i am missing?
Sorry to be a trouble. I come to know the exact problem here and looking for a resolution.
Sitefinity AuthenticateUser works well and there is no issue with it. when i tried same logic on new website Single Sign on is working fine.
The problem here is tricky. I think since the AuthenticateUser is called in a Webservice the cookie is not getting generated. Same logic works when i call on web control. I tried with Supporting Session state to webmethod but no luck on that.
One question, how we can create the cookie explicitly for AuthenticateUser? or how i can access/generate the cookie? that will help me to support Single Sign on assuming I can't change my Webservice Architecture
Your help highly appreciated.
Hi Sham,
When you call AuthenticateUser if the result is success there must be a valid cookie. The problem could be if you do not send this cookie again to the second response. There also might be a problem if you are trying to make request between two different domains, because the cookies cannot be shared between domains.
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team