ImageField title missing (Back-end)
Hi there,
I've set up a new custom field for the event content using Telerik.Sitefinity.Web.UI.Fields.ImageField. It works perfectly! I can upload image from the backend and display the image to the front end.
However, in the backend I'm not able to display the title of the custom field so the user might be lost when selecting an image for something it does not know about.
How can i get the title and description next to the image picker (see attached screenshot).
Thanks for your help
Hi Jonathan,
I will describe you how to do it in the backend.
Browse to the Event settings: Content --> EventsBackend --> Views --> EventsBackendEdit --> Toolbar --> Section and select the section you are working with (the custom one). Add the following CssClass "sfExpandableForm" and Title which is left blank by default. This way you will have the title for custom field.
As for the description - there is no description for sections - can you please clarify more about what description you need?
If you experience any more problems don't hesitate to contact me.
All the best,
Stanislav Velikov
the Telerik team
Thanks for your response. However that wasn't the answer I expected.
Basically, I wanted to show the label of the custom field. Like it is done for other fields. For example : TextField (when you add a TextField you can specify the label and it is displayed just in front of the field).
Thank you very much.
Hi Jonathan,
This appears to be a bug and I have logged it and we will be working to fix it in Q2.
I suggest you put the custom field in a separate section and use the section's name only as described in my previous post if this will help your case.
Apologies for the inconvenience. I have updated your Telerik points.
Best wishes,
Stanislav Velikov
the Telerik team