You are not allowed to modify this page:
I have created about 200 pages, and have 80 different roles. Two roles for each of our departments, one contributor and one publisher.
Right now I have not activated any workflows.
I have broken permission inheritance on all of my department pages and sub-pages to only allow those department roles to edit the page. When logging in as a department user I see that all the pages I am not allowed to edit are greyed out. When I get to my specific department the links to the page are blue. I can click on them and open up the page in edit mode, I can open the Generic Content block that has been placed there. By design, I have not given this role rights to add widgets. I can open the Edit dialog box and make my edits.
When I click Publish (because no workflow has been enabled and all roles can publish), I receive an error box telling me that "You are not allowed to modify this page:".
The weird thing is I can go to another page with the same permissions and be able to Publish, granted there is just one page that seems to let me do that.
Also, when I go back to the page permissions to look at who has what... all of my custom roles are not shown. The names are missing and they looked stacked up. When I add new groups to the permissions, I have 5 pages to go through. I have to add all the roles from one page, and the click Done Selecting and open the roles again and go to the next page. If I try to move pages without clicking Done, it does not keep the roles from the previous pages.
Now I have implemented a two-stage workflow as well as given all of my publishing roles modify access to their pages. My publishers should be able to approve the pages, and my administrators and editors be able to publish,
(I am not thrilled about this because it allows them to move the pages around and could possibly wreck the navigation that is on each one of their Template pages!)
My contributors have edit and view rights to the pages in the pages permissions, my publishers have edit and modify rights to their pages in pages permissions, they both are BackendUsers. I have given rights for inline editing to all BackendUsers and given Page Modify rights to all backend users.
My contributors are able to save to save a draft of the page, but when they try to Send for Approval, I get that stupid message, You are not allowed to modify the page:.
Anyone have any ideas what is going on here?
Anyone? I am still having the issue in Q1 SP1.
Dear Anthony
I have custom roles and workflow and don't even see a publish button. So I somewhat envey you because you are a step close. Have other forum post open for which I have not received an telerik answer since may 13th. Somehow I think the permission and roles topic is somewhat sensitive.
On mine i have to go to More actions... > Save as Draft. Then the Send for approval/publishing option will appear.
On my one-step I see Send for Publishing. On a site with two-step approval I see Send for Approval.
Does that work on yours?
Hi Anthony,
Could you, please, clarify the permissions set you have granted your role, and the actions you actually want them to be able to perform, so that I can give you a better advice on this matter. Have you tried giving your role "modify a page" permissions, and if so, did the problems persist? I believe it would be useful if you could provide me with temporary login credentials to your site backed so that I can inspect the issue at hand as well? Thanks in advance.
Best wishes,
Boyan Barnev
the Telerik team
I owe you an answer. Yes it works now that I know that users without publishing rights have to save as darft first before the send for approval buttons appears.
I would never have guesst this since without workflow or with admin rights you dont have to save as draft first to have it published.
@Markus - Glad it worked. Took me a little bit to figure it out as well.
@Boyan - I currently have a 2 step approval process. I have about 40 departments, each with 2 roles...contributor and publisher. I want my contributors to be able to edit text, and sent it to their department publisher for approval. Their publisher should be able to send it to me for publishing.
I had given contributor roles permissions only to edit pages, but upon them creating a draft and sending for approval by their publisher, they received a message that they did not have modify rights. I have given all Backend Contributors modify rights in the role permissions, and given department roles modify permissions on their page permissions, and they are now able to send the pages through the workflow.
The reason I did not want to give the users modify rights is because I do not want them to change the page ordering in the sitemap or to change the page properties such as title and name. Doing so places some of my navigation at risk. I have already had one department start changing all of the the page groups I had for them into individual pages and it has messed up some of the navigation.
Email me at at the email address in my profile and we can discuss a account to let you see what is going on.
Hi Anthony,
Please find my email from today, to which you can provide temporary login credentials to your site's backend. We'll inspect this behavior and, I hope you wouldn't mind, let you know when we have further information on the issue in this forum thread, so that the community can stay informed as well.
Boyan Barnev
the Telerik team
just sent you the credentials.
Hi Anthony,
Thank you for providing me with the credentials. I have inspected your website, and also managed to reproduce the issue on my local project. Currently if you want to modify page properties (including Publishing the page) you will need to give your role Modify permissions as well. I respect your feedback concerning the changes your users might impose in the Pages tree structure by moving pages around, and have logged the functionality to set separate permissions for moving pages as a feature request. We will be having an internal discussion concerning restructuring the way Pages permissions work in order to meet our customers' feedback for one of the upcoming releases. In the meantime you can track the request status in PITS and vote for it on this public URL.
All the best,
Boyan Barnev
the Telerik team