Add custom field to a list
I am trying to add a custom field to a list to track a short description text value. Is there a way this can be accomplished in Sitefinity 4.1?
Custom fields are indeed available in the lists module, it should be available in the right column after you create a list. I believe you might need to create a dummy list item to get to it though, as I wasn't able to see it there until after I created a list item.
try creating a list and list item and see if you the "custom fields" link shows up on the right side of the list items.
hope this was helpful!
what if am trying to add a custom field for a specific list because i have two lists and when am trying add a custom field ,the field added in both lists
Hello Tabish,
Thank you for contacting Telerik support.
Adding custom fields for only one list is not possible. When a custom field is added it applies to all lists. The same rule applies for all content modules in Sitefinity.
Best wishes,
the Telerik team
How can I add a custom field to News in Sitefinity 4?
Hi Zubair,
I attached a video that shows how to add custom fields to news items.
the Telerik team
I just saw it, how do I add say a Rad Upload field?
Hello Zubair,
We don't have a custom filed that expose RadUpload. You need to create a custom one similar to the control shown here
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team
I will take a look but to be honest, this seems alot of work for adding a simple field even more than v3.7
I have tried to add my own control as a widget but I am getting the attached error, I have done whatever suggested but it doesn't seem to fix the problem.
Please help me out asap
Hi Zubair,
It looks like an assembly cannot be loaded properly or you have changed something inside the configurations which is not related to the selector from the blog post. Are you trying to implement this thumbnail selector?
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team
This happens after I compile I read in a post that this could be a VS2010 bug that it removes some assemblies, I am not sure, what I do is after every build I copy the dlls from EmptyProject to \bin and it works
Hello Zubair,
You should use "build" option. It looks like you used rebuild which cleans the bin folder.
Best wishes,
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team
Ok I will do that