Timer Fired Telerik Web Ui
On an empty page with a standard template when looking at it wiht chomre Developer Tools Timeline
Is see some actions going on. Can anyone tell me what is happening why?
Hi Markus,
Do you have some controls on the page? Can you confirm that the web resource is downloaded when page loading completes?
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team
Hello Markus,
Generally the web resources are controlled by asp.net and we do not make changes there. What I see is that you have an update panel on the page which you highlighted. As far as I remember there are some issues with this scenario.
Best wishes,
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team
Dear Ivan
Any change the update panel is provided by SF in any way. Because all I did was create an page based on one of the standard templates and thats it.
To me its no problem but strange anyhow.