Categories and Tags linked to a Page
I created my own categories lists, if I want to use it on Documents I have to create an associated Custom Field.
But on a page we can only add keywords, we can on administration
settings add "Categories And Tags" for pages edition. It's a little
boring but when you select "Title & Properties" on your pages, you
can have your categories widget.
Unfortunately, categories or tags can't be save on pages...
So I would like to know if it's possible to link a category directly to page and not uniquely to his content ?
Hello Nicolas,
Yes, such functionality can be achieved, you can add any type of custom fields to a page, but you'll need to do this programatically. The topic has been discussed in this forum thread, you can find a code sample there as well. If you have any additional questions, please let us know.
Boyan Barnev
the Telerik team