Advanced Settings - FormsControls Version number

Posted by Community Admin on 03-Aug-2018 08:44

Advanced Settings - FormsControls Version number

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Posted by Community Admin on 23-May-2011 00:00

I am about to implement the FromsNotificationControl from marketplace.

Step 3 tells me to do the following

Open the Sitefinity administration and go to Administration -> Settings -> Advanced -> Toolboxes -> PageControls -> ContentToolboxSection -> FormsControl and set the settings as follows:

Control type: FormsNotification.FormsControlCustom, FormsNotification

Name: FormsControlCustom

Title: Forms Control

ResourceClassId: clear the textbox

I noticed that on my 1395 build the forms version still shows 1339. Does that make sence?

PS: Still have the bug in SP1 where I get double entries in the trees of the advanced settings - Also sorting it alphabetically might be a help sometimes. 

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