Impossible to install Jobs module

Posted by Community Admin on 03-Aug-2018 11:16

Impossible to install Jobs module

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Posted by Community Admin on 02-Jun-2011 00:00

Hello, I am having trouble on creating custom modules for 4.1, it is also impossible to install the Jobs module from the starterkit SDK, my steps are the following
1. copy Jobs project to my new Solution
2. Add reference to Jobs module project from my web project
3. Register the module in Administration -> Settings -> Advanced -> System -> ApplicationModules
4. Check the SystemConfig.config file and make sure that the following line is already there

<add title="Jobs" description="" resourceClassId="" type="Jobs.JobsModule" startupType="OnApplicationStart" name="Jobs" />
5. Restart the application by making dummy change in web.config
6. Build the project and run
7. Looking in the Content menu, there is no Jobs item there

Did I miss something?


Posted by Community Admin on 02-Jun-2011 00:00

Hello Karen,

The steps you take seem to be correct. Can you please verify that the dll file of the module is in the bin folder of  SitefinityWebApp.

Let me just review the steps to make sure everything is correct. For example if you have created Jobs module and your namespace is Jobs and your module class is JobsModule, you need to have it like this in your SystemConfig ( if you register it programatically ):

<add title="Jobs" description="Jobs" resourceClassId="" type="Jobs.JobsModule, Jobs" startupType="OnApplicationStart" name="Jobs" />

Please be sure to include resourceClassId if you have Resource file in your module.

Also you need to include your custom module as a reference in your SitefinityWebApp ( check attached image )

Kind regards,
Victor Velev
the Telerik team

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Posted by Community Admin on 02-Jun-2011 00:00

Hello Victor

Yes the Jobs.dll is in SitefinityWebApp bin folder
I changed accordingly and here is what I have now in SystemConfig.config file

<add title="Jobs" description="" resourceClassId="JobsResources" type="Jobs.JobsModule, Jobs" startupType="OnApplicationStart" name="Jobs" />

The module project is referenced from SitefinityWebApp project, but I still see no Jobs module under Content, any ideas?


Posted by Community Admin on 03-Jun-2011 00:00

Hello Karen,

Can you please try the following:

1. Place a breakpoint at the initialize method of the module and check if it passes.
2. If you try to register it though the UI of the backend do you see the new settings in the SystemConfig.
3. Please send some screenshots of your project structure showing the module and also the content of the systemconfig file.

Victor Velev
the Telerik team

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Posted by Community Admin on 06-Jun-2011 00:00

Hi Victor

The breakpoint is never hit in Initilaize method

Please see the screenshots of my project structure (projectstructire.jpg) I have 2 modules Jobs and Persons, only the Persons module is visible in content menu (backend.jpg) however when I click on it I got the error see error.jpg


Posted by Community Admin on 06-Jun-2011 00:00

Hello Karen,

Please make sure to change the startupType to "OnApplicationStart". Also reference the JobResources in the resourceclassID field then restart the application. Please consider checking the following forum thread which contains valuable information and may be useful to you.

The error you get may be coming from the data provider. It is possible that some of module logic that binds the data is not performing well. Can you please show the binding or attach the module.

Best wishes,
Victor Velev
the Telerik team

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Posted by Community Admin on 06-Jun-2011 00:00

Hi Victor there is no way to attach anything but the images here so I uploaded the module project to my server you can download it from here:

Changing to OnApplicationStart did not help.


Posted by Community Admin on 07-Jun-2011 00:00

Hello Karen,

Could you please supply the jobs module so I can try and register it on a local project?

The error in the Persons module is probably related to some methods which are not virtual thus sitefinity cannot inherit them and inject security parameters to them. Can you please tell me what kinds of modifications you have done to the module after you have copied it.

I would suggest to you to take a look at this tutorial which shows you how to create a custom module, similar to the Jobs module - it is better to use the tutorial than to copy code directly from a sample, because there are many factors which might be cause your module not to work as expected.

Kind regards,
Victor Velev
the Telerik team

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