Products Module - Detail View Template
We have implemented a module based on the sample products module, however, we are unable to modify the detail template and have the changes stick. It's like the module doesn't even recognize the changes we make to the template. Is there any way to manually set the detail view template so I can style this how I need it?
I've attached a screenshot showing both of the templates. If I make changes to either, they are not honored by Sitefinity. Hoping to go live next week and really need to be able to make changes to this.
Well, I've tried setting the template path in various places but haven't had any luck in getting this to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Hello Greg Delorey,
It is probably caused by having your original version of FrontendProductsDetailsView.ascx stored in the database. Can you check if you have set any value for TemplateKey (find the how-to video attached)? If you have, you'll need to delete it. This should make the loader takes the template straight from the ascx file, and not from the database.
the Telerik team