NoScript Tags in Javascript
Hi -
I'm trying to implement some javascript tracking code which ends with a block (outside of the <script> tags) that contains an iframe within <noscript> tags. Since this script is different for each page, I can't just point to a single JS file in the file system. Instead, I've been using the javascript widget to drop onto the page which works great for the first part of the script, but won't work for the <noscript> section because the control automatically places in the start and end script tags.
Does anyone know of a better approach for this? Code looks like this:
do something here
blah etc></
How about a feature request for a nonscript sections?
Hoping to have a fix soon, but a feature request would be good :)
I'd also be fine with the javascript control not inserting start and end script tags so that we can basically stick a chunk of code in there and most are saavy enough to place the tags anyways.
Hello Greg Delorey,
For <noscript> tags you can use the Content Block control.
Best wishes,
Radoslav Georgiev
the Telerik team
I tried to put <noscript> tag in content block control but when I turn of Javascript support from browser, it does not show <noscript> information written in it.
Kindly help us in this.
Harshil Shukla
I tried to do what you have written in the reply but it does not show image which is put under <noscript> tag.
Kindly let us know any other way.
Harshil Shukla
I tried putting it in the content block and its working. What version of Sitefinity are you running on?