Custom Sitemap?
How can I create a Custom Sitemap that show the current page? I want make a sitemap with the separator like this:
Home > Products > Hardware > HardDisk
I tried with a template but doesn't work...I could not do it with RadSitemap + RadSitemapDatasource.
Thank you!
Hello Stefano,
You can use SiteMapPath ASP.NET control or RadSiteMap for ASP.NET AJAX.
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team
How can I add this control to my sitefinity toolboxes? I have only enable the RadControls...
Hi Stefano,
Please take a look at this article.
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team
Ok I can add custom control but how can I configure this control from sitefinity?
I do that with the SiteMapPath but how can i set the rootnode? Sitefinity use the node "Pages" and not my home page.
Hi Stefano,
This could happen if you are on the home page. The reason is that Pages is root node for all frontend pages. You can easily remove this with jQuery or subscribing for ItemCreated event of the SiteMpaPath and hiding the Pages node when you are on the home page.
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team