Newsletter module - general questions

Posted by Community Admin on 03-Aug-2018 16:35

Newsletter module - general questions

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Posted by Community Admin on 12-Jul-2011 00:00

I have a few questions about the newsletter module that I hope can be answered. I understand that the product just came out of beta and is a new product and still being improved.

1) Unsubscribe link - I thought at one point the module automatically created an "Unsubscribe" link at the foot of the email. I am not seeing this anymore. Was this removed or am I wrong that it was ever there?

2) Total unsubscriptions on Campaign report - I created my own unsubscribe link (see #1) to a page with the unsubscribe widget. I sent out an email to numerous test accounts we have. I unsubscribed with two of those accounts. This is reflected in the Newsletter Overview unsubscribed field.  However, under the total unsubscriptions on the Campaign Report it says 0. What is this reporting exactly?

3) Unsubscribers - Is there any way to get a list of people who have unsubscribed?

4) Mailing list subscribers - Is there any way to get a list of subscribers on a mailing list?  I can go into an individuals record and see what lists they are on. But I am not seeing how I can get a list of people on a specific mailing list.

5) Recipients who opened - Is there any way to get a list of who opened an email?

6) Report numbers - I am getting a few confusing numbers in my reports.  Could you explain why I am getting a -1 value in the unopened rate field? It lists that there are 5 total recipients but that there were 6 recipients who opened the email.

Thank you!

Posted by Community Admin on 14-Jul-2011 00:00

Hi Amanda,

1) There is an unsubscribe widget that deals with unsubscribing.
2) There is a bug with reports that has been addressed and fixed. Expect the fix in our Q2 release which is due to come in the last week of july.
3) I suggest you wait for the fix to get included in the next release.
3) and 4) the newsletter module does not provide such functionality. You may use third party products and services that track when an e-mail is opened. Basically this requires tracking mechanism on your e-mail delivery method.
6) This is caused by the bug.

All the best,
Stanislav Velikov
the Telerik team

Do you want to have your say in the Sitefinity development roadmap? Do you want to know when a feature you requested is added or when a bug fixed? Explore the Telerik Public Issue Tracking system and vote to affect the priority of the items

Posted by Community Admin on 15-Jul-2011 00:00

Thank you for the response. I look forward to the Q2 release.

Posted by Community Admin on 01-Nov-2011 00:00

In the email campaign report following number is available: Recipients who opened.
My client asks for actual subscribers list who opened email. He says that SugarCRM provides such information.
Is there any way to get this list "who opened" in sitefinity?


Posted by Community Admin on 12-Nov-2011 00:00

Bump... Any comments?

Posted by Community Admin on 16-Nov-2011 00:00

Hi Denis,

Through an HTTP Handler. This tracks clicks from e-mails to the website's links. This handler processes particular patters of URLs and updates campaign statistics. However this is done for tracking links that point to the website. Use a combination of the approaches mentioned here: and here .
Create a custom route handler which inherits the built in page route handler. Then in the GetRoute data you can get the requested url from the current context, use regular expression to verify if the requested url matches your path and if it does log it. The approach for substituting the SitefinityRoute route handler is a little bit different than the one used in the forum thread. Please use this code in Global.asax. It finds the Frontend route in the route collection and substitutes it with the custom one:

protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Bootstrapper.Initialized += new EventHandler<Telerik.Sitefinity.Data.ExecutedEventArgs>(Bootstrapper_Initialized);
void Bootstrapper_Initialized(object sender, Telerik.Sitefinity.Data.ExecutedEventArgs e)
    if (e.CommandName == "RegisterRoutes")
        var sitefinityRoute = RouteTable.Routes["Frontend"];
        RouteTable.Routes.Add("Frontend", ObjectFactory.Resolve<CustomSitefinityRoute>());

Stanislav Velikov
the Telerik team
Do you want to have your say in the Sitefinity development roadmap? Do you want to know when a feature you requested is added or when a bug fixed? Explore the Telerik Public Issue Tracking system and vote to affect the priority of the items

Posted by Community Admin on 16-Nov-2011 00:00

Hi Stanislav,

Thank you for response.
Let me clarify so we will be on the same page.

1. Only email containing HTML as part of its MIME type can be tracked.
2. Image should be placed in the message body. Its name/path should somehow specify subscriber ID.

<img src=""/>
3. Image is resolved and returned without "subscriber ID" part.

In the HTTP Handler we track and log such requests.
Statement: this technique will not work if e-mail client block images. And there is not way to fight this.

If we are on the same page, I have question:
How I can embed such images in to the messages that are sent via campaigns mass mailing functionality?
The code should be unique for the each message. On the other hand, campaigns use message template that is common for all messages.


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