how to bind radgrid in ragrid

Posted by Community Admin on 03-Aug-2018 14:29

how to bind radgrid in ragrid

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Posted by Community Admin on 25-Jul-2011 00:00

let we have a grid name RadGridCountry. in this radgrid we have a second child grid RadGridState.
in RadGridCountry countries are bound from country table. so how can i bind the data that when a country record
is bound in RadGridCountry then by this recordID(CountryID) child grid can be bound with all related states.
more specifically data should be bound like that.
is this possible to display the data in below dispalying format.
CountryID   CountryName
1                  USA
StateID         StateName
1                  California
2                  washington
3                   newyork
CountryID   CountryName
2                 India
StateID      StateName
1                  Delhi
2                  UP
3                   MP


Posted by Community Admin on 26-Jul-2011 00:00

why not just create your dataset and group your dataset so it displays as you need it? If can program in .NET it should be easy to do.  I wouldn't use 2 grids, just use the one and group your data based off of Country.

Here is a link that may help you,

I have code as well from another project that does exactly what your trying to do, I'll post that later on if you want to see how I did it

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