Add to Taxonomy on Publish

Posted by Community Admin on 03-Aug-2018 15:55

Add to Taxonomy on Publish

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Posted by Community Admin on 31-Aug-2011 00:00

Hello, we're working with the products module sample right now and want to do some processing on the publishing of a product module. For the sake of simplicity we basically want to add the name of the newly created product to the Colors taxonomy when someone publishes a new product (not really how we want it to work but you get the idea).

We got some initial code from a support ticket that said we have to create a Global.asax file and subscribe to the ProductsManager_Executed event in there. Is this the only way to do what we're trying to accomplish here? It just seems like it defeats the purpose of keeping a custom module self contained. I would like to just be able to install a module and not have to worry about creating a global.asax file if possible.

If there is another way, what it is? I've tried adding the add to taxonomy code in a few places and it just doesn't work as expected. If I add it in the CreateProduct(Guid id) of the productManager.cs file it doesn't work. If I add it the same to the openaccessprovider.cs it adds the product name three times to the taxonomy.

What are my options here?


Posted by Community Admin on 02-Sep-2011 00:00

Hello. Any one have any advice for adding a product name to the colors taxonomy on first publish that doesn't use the Global.asax solution?

Posted by Community Admin on 03-Sep-2011 00:00

Hello Kmac,

You can modify the OpenAccessProvider class and override the following method:

protected virtual TContent ExecuteOnPublish<TContent>(TContent masterItem, Action<TContent, TContent> copy, TContent liveItem) where TContent : Content, IContentLifecycle

There you must call the base implementation and then you can add your taxonomy. You could first check if such taxonomy entry does not exist.

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