Error with Custom Image Field
I've added a custom image field for selecting thubmnail images for the videos (my client has a need for using images that are not in the video so the existing method of selecting a frame from the video is not enough) using the information from this blog post
"Detail":"Error executing query: Telerik.OpenAccess.RT.sql.SQLException: The incoming tabular data stream
(TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Too many parameters were provided in
this RPC request. The maximum is 2100.\u000d\u000a at Telerik.OpenAccess.RT.Adonet2Generic.Impl.PreparedStatementImp
.executeQuery()\u000d\u000a at OpenAccessRuntime.Relational.conn.PooledPreparedStatement.executeQuery
()\u000d\u000a at OpenAccessRuntime.Relational.fetch.FetchResultImp.Execute()\u000aSQL:\u000aSELECT
a.[content_id] AS COL1, a.[alternative_text_] AS COL2, a.[alternative_text_en] AS COL3, a.[alternative_text_nl
] AS COL4, a.[height] AS COL5, a.[width] AS COL6, a.[approval_workflow_state_] AS COL7, a.[approval_workflow_state_en
] AS COL8, a.[approval_workflow_state_nl] AS COL9, a.[author_] AS COL10, a.[author_en] AS COL11, a.[author_nl
] AS COL12, a.[blob_storage] AS COL13, a.[can_inherit_permissions] AS COL14, a.[chunk_size] AS COL15
, a.[extension] AS COL16, a.[file_id] AS COL17, a.[file_path] AS COL18, a.[inherits_permissions] AS COL19
, a.[mime_type] AS COL20, a.[number_of_chunks] AS COL21, a.[ordinal] AS COL22, a.[total_size] AS COL23
, a.[uploaded] AS COL24, a.[description_] AS COL25, a.[description_en] AS COL26, a.[description_nl] AS
COL27, a.[title_] AS COL28, a.[title_en] AS COL29, a.[title_nl] AS COL30, a.[url_name_] AS COL31, a
.[url_name_en] AS COL32, a.[url_name_nl] AS COL33, a.[allow_comments] AS COL34, a.[allow_track_backs
] AS COL35, a.[app_name] AS COL36, a.[approve_comments] AS COL37, a.[content_state] AS COL38, a.[date_created
] AS COL39, a.[default_page_id] AS COL40, a.[draft_culture] AS COL41, a.[email_author] AS COL42, a.[expiration_date
] AS COL43, a.[last_modified] AS COL44, a.[last_modified_by] AS COL45, a.[original_content_id] AS COL46
, a.[ownr] AS COL47, a.[post_rights] AS COL48, a.[publication_date] AS COL49, a.[source_key] AS COL50
, a.[status] AS COL51, a.[vrsion] AS COL52, a.[views_count] AS COL53, a.[visible] AS COL54, a.[votes_count
] AS COL55, a.[votes_sum] AS COL56, a.[voa_version] AS COL57 FROM [sf_media_content] a WHERE a.[app_name
] = ? AND (a.[original_content_id] IN (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?
,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)) AND ((EXISTS (SELECT 1234567 FROM [sf_md_cntnt_pblshd_trnslations
] b WHERE a.[content_id] = b.[content_id] AND b.[val] = ? ) OR (SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM [sf_md_cntnt_pblshd_trnslations] c WHERE a.[content_id] = c.[content_id]) = 0
)) AND a.[status] = ? AND a.[voa_class] = 1053642113 Telerik.OpenAccess.RT.sql
.SQLException: The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is
incorrect. Too many parameters were provided in this RPC request. The maximum is 2100.\u000d\u000a
at Telerik.OpenAccess.RT.Adonet2Generic.Impl.PreparedStatementImp.executeQuery()\u000d\u000a at OpenAccessRuntime
.Relational.conn.PooledPreparedStatement.executeQuery()\u000d\u000a at OpenAccessRuntime.Relational
Hi Norsenerd,
Can you please let us know of the exact implementation fo the custom image field and selector you have defined as a custom field for Videos. Wouldn't the default functionality provided by our ImageField control suit your purposes? Please find attached a short video I've recorded for you which demonstrates how to set up a custom field using the ImageField control, and then use it to select an image that would be associated with a content item (a Video in our case)
Best wishes,
Boyan Barnev
the Telerik team
Thanks, Boyan. The information from your video did exactly what I needed.
Hello Boyan,
As suggested in your video I created a custom field for an additional image in my blog posting. I inserted this in the widget template and when I view it in my browser, it is being re-sized to some size around: 400px. The image source my widget is outputting is:
........../images/blog-images/snow.jpg.tmb?sfvrsn=2. I would like to full sized image displayed in my blog posting is this possible.
Thank you.
Hello Boyan,
As suggested in your video I created a custom field for an additional image in my blog posting. I inserted this in the widget template and when I view it in my browser, it is being re-sized to some size around: 400px. The image source my widget is outputting is:
........../images/blog-images/snow.jpg.tmb?sfvrsn=2. I would like have a full sized additional image field that a user can edit in my blog post which can then be displayed in my blog posting without being re-sized. Is there a way to do this?
Thank you,
Thank you.