Overlay Edit Mode In Sitefinity 4.2
Good day all,
I might be missing something simple, but I can not find where you can change the edit mode to "overlay" instead of "classic" as you could in 3.x.
Any help would be much appreciated.
It figures that once I step away, I see the answer... as in using the "edit content directly browsing the site". You have to make sure the "EnableBrowseAndEdit" option is set to "True" in Administration | Pages. Once done, you get something similar to "Overlay" edit.
My question now is, can you accomplish this editting in the backend utilizing drag and drop for adding widgets?
Hello Jeffrey,
Browse and Edit just opens the page in edit mode or a content item for editing if you have a widget on a page. The Overlay mode in 3.x is just a div that masks the background. As far as I see there is no overlay mode in 4.x editions. Is there a specific requirement for this, since there is not much functional or business logic that overlay mode brings?
Also the implementation of the page editor in 3.x is based on html div elements, since in 4.x we use RadDock controls that support drag/drop functionality.
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team
I know this is an old post but I we have a situation that would warrant having the Overlay mode back.
Right now someone could actually drag an element anywhere on the page. Not just into the allowed RadDock containers. And also since the containers don't have their labels anymore...sometimes it is hard to tell if you are in the 'right spot'. I do add some background colors to the RadDock areas in edit mode, but has anyone tried recreating the Overlay mode so the client can't "mess up" bu dragging a control into the wrong area? I took a stab at it with using a z-index but no good...
Any advice? Thank you.
Oh - we are using version 6.1xxx
I am afraid that we do not provide the required functionality in the current release of Sitefinity. I consulted our Dev team and they confirmed that such functionality is not planned for the next version also. What you could do is to log your requirement as a feature request in our feedback portal and thus other people will be able to vote. If it gets high rating our Dev team may include it in one of the next version of the Sitefinity CMS.
I hope the provided information helps.