Navigation menu permission
Hi Team,
I have a few test pages on my site as follow:
I created Merchant Role.
I also created 2 users which are NOT backend users and given as below role:
customer1 is Customer role
merchant1 is Merchant role
page permission set for below roles:
1)customerPage is given permission to ROLE Customer
2)merchantPage is given permission to ROLE Merchant
when login as customer1/merchant1, the customerPage/merchantPage is not shown
Am I setting this up right?
Hello Jh,
Could it be that you are experiencing some issues with the browser cache, that is causing the problematic behavior? Generally if you have specified that your View permissions for customerPage are granted to customer1 and the View permissions for merchantPage are given to merchant1 then when logged on as a user belonging to customer1 role you should be able to see only customerPage in your navigation. If any problems persist, please let us know.
All the best,
Boyan Barnev
the Telerik team
Hello Jh,
Thanks for the additional information, and please excuse us for the inconvenience. It looks like this issue might be related to a bug we've been working on fixing, which resulted in permissions being cached and thus not applying correctly. Can you please let us know whether the issue persist after recycling the application?
Boyan Barnev
the Telerik team
I don't believe this but has been fixed? When someone logs in (front end user) and they have pages now that they have permission to view, it should show up in the navigation.
I don't think turning off caching for the site is a very efficient way to go about it. Has there been any other suggestions?
Thank you.
Hi Laura,
I have just tested this on my side and when I log in as a frontend user the pages this user has access to appear in the navigation. I am sending attacked a short video for your reference. Am I missing something in my steps?
Can you please let me know how the issue reproduces on your side? If possible, can you please record a video demonstrating the exact behavior and the steps you take on your side?
Sabrie Nedzhip