RadEditor Display Problem
I'm using radeditor with asp.net ajax q3 2010 sp2 and the problem is radditor is not dispaing properly in IE versions
For this i have use following code;
Please tell me where is problem actually....
CssClass="tre" ToolbarMode="ShowOnFocus" EditModes="Design" runat="server" ToolsFile="~/Files/XML/BasicTools.xml">
<telerik:EditorCssFile Value="~/Files/Styles/EditorContentArea.css" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<tools name="Formatting" enabled="true" dockable="true">
<tool name="AjaxSpellCheck"/>
<tool separator="true"/>
<tool name="Bold" />
<tool name="Italic" />
<tool name="Underline" />
<tool separator="true"/>
<tool name="ForeColor" />
<tool name="BackColor"/>
<tool separator="true"/>
<tool name="JustifyLeft"/>
<tool name="JustifyCenter"/>
<tool name="JustifyRight"/>
<tool name="JustifyFull"/>
<tool separator="true"/>
<tool name="Undo" shortcut="CTRL+Z"/>
<tool name="Redo" shortcut="CTRL+Y"/>
<tool separator="true"/>
<tool name="InsertOrderedList"/>
<tool name="InsertUnorderedList"/>
<tool separator="true"/>
<tool name="FontName" shortcut="CTRL+SHIFT+F"/>
<tool name="RealFontSize" shortcut="CTRL+SHIFT+P"/>
/* The following CSS needs to be copied to the page to produce textbox-like RadEditor */
background: white !important;
display: block\9; /* for all versions of IE in order to prevent border bottom disappearing */
border-width: 0 !important;
border: solid 1px black;
filter: chroma(color=c2dcf0);
display: none !important; /* for FF */
display: block\9; /* for all versions of IE */
Hi Pani,
Could you please try the solution provided in the following sticky note: Incorrect rendering of RadEditor when shown with AJAX in initially hidden parent?
If you still experience any problems provide a couple of screenshots along with an example how to reproduce them on our end.
All the best,
the Telerik team