Why is Sitefinity 4.3 processing my images?

Posted by Community Admin on 03-Aug-2018 19:01

Why is Sitefinity 4.3 processing my images?

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Posted by Community Admin on 05-Dec-2011 00:00

I just had a group of images which I've process the way I want them to look with the amount of compression that I want them to have and when I upload them to a Sitefinity album, the image quality is being lowered.
I thought that Sitefinity used to be 1:1 when it came to images... what you put in is the same file that comes out the other end.
Is there a setting for "my images are already processed... don't mess with them"?
At their intended size the decrease of quality is subtle, but there is dithering being introduced that I expect will be more obvious to users on devices like an iPad.
If I can not control any settings on this compression, what is my best practices for images? Upload, giant full-sized images and then use SF to resize them?

Posted by Community Admin on 05-Dec-2011 00:00

Hmmm... too bad I didn't find this before my post. I'll be looking for and trying the hot fix.

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