Multiple Domain Configuration - 1 site with E-Commerce, 1 site without
I am setting up a multiple domain configuration as per your article (link below) with 2 standard edition licenses, but 1 has E-Commerce and 1 does not. Do you know if I will have any issues with this?
I haven't come across any hangs ups with the E-Commerce yet, but the one obvious issue that your article doesn't address is maintaining the 2 different license files. The only solution I can think of off hand is having
and using a bunch of virtual directories. Definitely not the cleanest solution, but it would work. (Edit: and it did work)
Would you mind elaborating on your last post? I am in a similar scenario. The article states to create a virtual directory for each configuration node. How did you "share" the configuration on both sites? In your example below, I presume that "Sitefinity_App1" is the configuration virtual directory for "Site A", and "sitefinity_App2" is for "Site B"... What role does the "Sitefinity__Shared" folder play? Do you have virtual directories pointing to that? If so, what would be the name of the folder?
Sorry for all the questions.