Server Error System.Boolean is not supported
I am getting an attached error while saving user profile. My code is following
<sitefinity:ChoiceField id="chkGetUpdates" runat="server" DisplayMode="Read, Write" RenderChoicesAs="SingleCheckBox" DataItemType="Telerik.Sitefinity.Security.Model.SitefinityProfile" DataFieldName="GetUpdate" CssClass="sfRadioList">
<sitefinity:ChoiceItem value="Yes"></sitefinity:ChoiceItem>
Hello Qainan,
I'm not sure I understand your issue. Could you please tell us what is the exact way that you have defined the GetUpdate field in your Basic profile? Do you get this error when you save a user profile using the Users Profile widget or when you add the field to the profile and save the profile definition?
Regards,Hi Lubomir,
Thank for your reply.... Yes, GetUpdate already exist in basic profile, and I have selected Multiple Choice field while creating custome filed.
I have two issues.
1. While doing registration if I don't check on any checkbox still in backend it show checked.
2. In my detail page when I click on check and press submit, Page is giving me an error
To produce an error please create multiple chose filed in basic profile and add field in edit profile.
Hello Qainan,
Unfortunately I wasn't able to reproduce the issue. I suppose something went wrong in your project so the only way to fix your problem is if you could send us your project and database so we could replicate the issue locally and find a solution.
Regards,Dear Lubomir,
It will be difficult for me to send you DB and files. But I am going to attached all screen shoot which will help you.
1. Field creation is attached.
2. My template code is
<div class="row">
<sitefinity:ChoiceField id="chkGetUpdates" runat="server" DisplayMode="Write" RenderChoicesAs="SingleCheckBox" DataItemType="Telerik.Sitefinity.Security.Model.SitefinityProfile" DataFieldName="GetUpdatesViaEmail" CssClass="sfRadioList">
<sitefinity:ChoiceItem value="1"></sitefinity:ChoiceItem>
</sitefinity:ChoiceField><asp:Literal ID="ltlReceiveUpdates" Text="<%$ Resources:CustomResources, Custom_Register_Label_ReceiveLatestUpdates %>" runat="server" />
Now when I am clicking on update it's giving an same error. Please can you review it.
Hello Qainan,
You haven't attached the creation of the custom field but rather part of the declaration of your registration widget. Unfortunately this is not enough for us to reproduce the issue. If you wish you could open a support ticket and there attach your project files and database so we could try to reproduce the issue on our side.
Kind regards,