Create PDF on the fly?
I was wondering if it is possible for Sitefinity to convert a word document to PDF on the fly i.e. I upload word documents but the users can download them as word or PDF because it gets converted by sitefinity when requested?
This would save a lot of time for me as I wouldnt need to convert every word document to PDF for our users.
It depends on the word version.
With docx its possible. Telerik has nice Silverlight controls which can dothis.
But the best way is to do it with word. Office 2010 has an option to save PDF direct.Office 2007 can do this with an Plug in ou can download from Microsoft..
thanks! I will look in to the silverlight option as it would be useful to have it created automatically as we have 1000's of documents in docx and don't fancy uploading docx and pdfs.
Sorry but i am not the user of sitefinity now.For me ,i usually do the pdf converting work with
another pdf converter which supports to convert pdf to word or any image formats.
Maybe you can have a try.
Sitefinity's DAM 'Digital Asset Management' or 'Desktop Applikation' (a.k.a. lightning) should be able to help you on the next release:
Publish word files as pdf is the title.