Lots of problems with SF 5.0 in multilingual environment
but there are a lot of problems at the German Version of Sitefinity 5.0. - It is NOT possible to set up an ecommerce project, there are blockings with diverse configuration files and so on. Try to move "home"-flag from one page to another..... configure a shop module ..... bring parts of a shop to "mobile responsive design" ..... - Sorry, but once again: the multilangual websites are NOT TESTED. Maybe there were functions tests but integration tests are missing!
There are conficts if you use the Mobile Website with responsive design and place a product of the ecommerce function at the same page. - The transformation from more than one columns to one column (f.i. iPhone) does not work.
After having invested into a standard version with ecommerce part and mobile webpart I am very unhappy that these all does not work together .... in my multilangual project.
So I hope that your first service pack will arrive very soon.
Regards, Robert
Hey Robert,
I'm not Superman, not on anybodies payroll nor giving the perfect 'Sitefinity' minded answer... and sorry to see you took it personal.
Hi Robert,
i can confirm that the e-Mail function didn´t work with Templates (like a website).
What a shame. I think you are right. The Product is not well tested by a human.
An human found a lot of functions which not work in some hours. And Jochem you are not right.
Basic functions which comes with the product must work. I think the guys didn´t learn from Community speaks. Less new functions after a majaor Release. More Beta Tests with Community.
Normally its so simple. One Version with new functions. The next to make the product "Rund" as we said in german. And more open Beta Test. The biggest Problem i see here is that bugs which are inside 4.4 are in 5.0 . And this Bugs are known and Telerik said it will be fixed in next Release. He Guys a tip is to use your Product himself with real world scenarios.
Thats my
PS: An Website based E-Mail Template (which was deleted before) will be shown inside the Wizzard as an option for new campange. Also when i say build new template from scatch it shows the deleted template. Newsletter Modul has cache issues
Hi Tobias and Robert,
We are aware that the mail campaigns need some improvement, and this is what we are actually doing. In case you haven't checked the roadmap yet, here it is - http://www.sitefinity.com/web-content-management/roadmap.aspx
@Tobias - I may add you to the list of people receiving Beta or pre-release builds intended for testing. Just let me know if you want to receive such.
IMO you can consider it a win, when I can create a newsletter that ends up looking like the ones you guys send out from telerik\sitefinity :)