Lots of problems with SF 5.0 in multilingual environment

Posted by Community Admin on 03-Aug-2018 02:49

Lots of problems with SF 5.0 in multilingual environment

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Posted by Community Admin on 11-Mar-2012 00:00


but there are a lot of problems at the German Version of Sitefinity 5.0. - It is NOT possible to set up an ecommerce project, there are blockings with diverse configuration files and so on. Try to move "home"-flag from one page to another..... configure a shop module ..... bring parts of a shop to "mobile responsive design" ..... - Sorry, but once again: the multilangual websites are NOT TESTED. Maybe there were functions tests but integration tests are missing!

There are conficts if you use the Mobile Website with responsive design and place a product of the ecommerce function at the same page. - The transformation from more than one columns to one column (f.i. iPhone) does not work.

After having  invested into a standard version with ecommerce part and mobile webpart I am very unhappy that these all does not work together  .... in my multilangual project.

So I hope that your first service pack will arrive very soon.

Regards, Robert

Posted by Community Admin on 12-Mar-2012 00:00

Hey Robert,

I can't speak for internal testing but from personal experience I can only say I've tried my best. Starting with a memo in January regarding the most important EU issues with regards to eCommerce.

And I've continued to cause head aches around the globe by doing an extensive test matrix of nearly 300 different check out scenario's. I've extensively tested 4 builds between 4.4 and 5.0 all focusing on practical check out scenario's and usage.... 

No, there aren't any blocking issues with configuration. The basic configuration hasn't changed since v4.4 - if you need a hand with it, feel free to contact me or watch the "From start to multi-lingual checkout with Sitefinity 4 in 15minutes" video. 

Yes, page ordering/hierarchical sorting has gotten worse with v5 - was it tested? Yes. Was it flagged Yes. Did it get fixed? No unfortunately not. Where as in v4 sorting was an issue with taxonomy, with v5 pages seem to be affected as well...

Not sure what you mean by configuring a shop module, those things work although in future versions they can be made a tad more multi-lingual friendly. But the move from v4.4 introduced variations into v5 fully multi-lingual was almost flawless.

Sitefinity 'mobile' is just in its version 1 release, basically meaning 'this is the basic functionality which will be matured in the next version'. Currently there isn't an option for different widget templates for normal vs mobile. So naturally things will go quirky. Internally they're probably already working on a way to address that but for now, the column switching is an 'idiots' way of doing responsive design. If you don't like it, copy and paste it out into your own css.

Yes the iPhone preview has a bug with IE9 but Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Safari all work and besides it's a 'preview' if we're going to be picky lets focus on the fact that 'orientation landscape' is forgotten.

And lastly, with regards to translations, you basically get what you put into it... With v4.4 I delivered a whole bunch of proposed changes in the desired excel format. 20 minutes later I received the completely updated v4.4 Dutch language pack and Telerik updated it on the Marketplace.

Forgive me if I've taken it a bit personal when you say "NOT TESTED" after +500 manually performed check outs for this release, but in this case I think the only fair point to make is that hierarchical sorting got worse...


Posted by Community Admin on 13-Mar-2012 00:00

Hello Jochem, Mr. Superman,
not everybody  is a perfect as you are.  – I am one of a crowd of many who wants that things do what they promise. Your arguments are those of an Sitefinity employee, maybe you get paid for your very perfect Sitefintiy minded answer.
Fact is that many of these features to not work as promised. – Whenever you tell me that this version of mobile websites is an “idiot” version, so I am an idiot because I paid 2.000 USD for it. – As I did the same last year for get the eCommerce Module. – Yes, cry out to the community, that I can buy idiot-versions……
Whenever I get a “part” of a solution I expect that it is compatible with another part from the first day after purchase and not ome year later after 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 and some service packs on the road.
Never mind, I am a great fan of Telerik RAD tools and therefor also of Sitefinity. – The only thing is, that rollouts of Sitefinity are not as perfect as rollouts of other Telerik tools.
Best regard,
Your fool Robert

Posted by Community Admin on 13-Mar-2012 00:00


I'm not Superman, not on anybodies payroll nor giving the perfect 'Sitefinity' minded answer... and sorry to see you took it personal. 

I'm, just like you, part of that crowd who wants things to chance and sometimes indeed 'deliver more than expected'. But after having worked with Sitefinity for many years and especially since version 4 release I understand how the release cycle works... you do to I'm sure if you're honest.

Yes it would be awesome to have a perfect Module builder, Upgrader, Ecommerce or Mobile add-on right on the first release, but with everyone of those we've seen 2-3 cycles to get things where they are now and considered 'done'.

You're not an idiot for paying for the Mobile part, me personally I've been surprised they've taken this into the system already since "responsive design" is not yet fully mainstream. And you perfectly know what I meant by 'idiot version' it's the simple/101/blond/basic/introduction...(insert your favorite word) way of doing responsive design.

You can't toggle one radio button and expect the site to magically appear correct especially since 'mobile templates' haven't been designed or introduced yet.


We're both in the same boat, there's still much work and polishing to be done and I'm still very critical about release cycles and issues that are arising... but in this case, as I stated before... I took it personal given the fact that I've spent so many hours trying to get multi-lingual ecommerce websites going and make them better.

Yes I am Sitefinity minded, if I weren't I wouldn't be on the forums or spending 2-3 evenings a week trying to help them make this product even better. And the only reasons I joined the 'MVP'  program instead of staying a 'mere' active community member is so I can put issues right in front of the PM's instead of hoping things will make it out of PITS.

Just like you are blowing of steam for having a release cycle that didn't life up to your expectations, I've blown of steam by giving my 'perfect' Sitefinity minded answer. Because I've tried my darn est to finally get an eCommerce release that I'd be willy to sell to my clients and have faith in.

And even though, in your perception or many others, things have not changed for the better with this release I know for a fact the many bugs they solved prior to release and how hard the eCommerce team tried to accommodate to the many wishes, suggestions, bugs and issues I've thrown over the wall. 

Like I said, I'm not Mr Superman, Mr Perfect or Sitefinity bought - I've just given up on complaining every release cycle and try to do my best at solving issues from the sideline between the release cycles - if there's one fool it's me and not you, for apparently wasting my hours on trying to help make a product better we all invest in.


Posted by Community Admin on 16-Mar-2012 00:00


Sorry again, it is not a question if Jochem would be right or if I would be right. Fact is that where ever you jump into "out of the box" functions of Sitefinity - you can detect new problems:

Sitefinity sells and charges the really helpful newsletter-function, that one can use webpage-templates within newletters since SF 4.x - BUT: until now it never worked. - For your information you can read the SF-answer after posting my support ticket:

" Indeed any change to the message template is being reflected on the preview and in the sent email, however any content added to a message that's based on a message template does not get reflected. We are aware of this behavior and will be working on fixing it for the upcoming releases. "

I am really upset that it always takes "upcoming releases" to use what you have to pay ....

Have a look: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWOMUrIwmLM

Regards, Robert

Posted by Community Admin on 18-Mar-2012 00:00

Hi Robert,

i can confirm that the e-Mail function didn´t work with Templates (like a website).
What a shame. I think you are right. The Product is not well tested by a human.
An human found a lot of functions which not work in some hours. And Jochem you are not right.
Basic functions which comes with the product must work. I think the guys didn´t learn from Community speaks. Less new functions after a majaor Release. More Beta Tests with Community.

Normally its so simple. One Version with new functions. The next to make the product "Rund" as we said in german. And more open Beta Test. The biggest Problem i see here is that bugs  which are inside 4.4 are in 5.0 . And this Bugs are known and Telerik said it will be fixed in next Release. He Guys a tip is to use your Product himself with real world scenarios.

Thats my

PS: An Website based E-Mail Template (which was deleted before) will be shown inside the Wizzard as an option for new campange. Also when i say build new template from scatch it shows the deleted template. Newsletter Modul has cache issues 

Posted by Community Admin on 19-Mar-2012 00:00

Hi Tobias and Robert,

We are aware that the mail campaigns need some improvement, and this is what we are actually doing. In case you haven't checked the roadmap yet, here it is - http://www.sitefinity.com/web-content-management/roadmap.aspx 

@Tobias - I may add you to the list of people receiving Beta or pre-release builds intended for testing. Just let me know if you want to receive such.

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Posted by Community Admin on 19-Mar-2012 00:00

   IMO you can consider it a win, when I can create a newsletter that ends up looking like the ones you guys send out from telerik\sitefinity :)


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