NewLineBR in 5.0
I noticed that SF5 has NewLineBR set to true which is a bit annoying so I was going to change the HTMLField but found this in the SDK's template:
<%--NewLineBr="False" - removed because of bug 112126. The bug should be fixed in the next release of RadControls.--%>
What exactly is this bug and can I change it true for now and deal with the bug or is it going to cause me headaches with the next upgrade? I have a ton of content to enter and I don't want all these unnecessary br tags. Let me know.
4 days later. I'd love a reply to this.
Try Settings->Advanced->Appearance
"Rad Editor new line 'br' tags" (uncheck it)
Thanks Steve,
I'm more concerned about what the bug is and why they decided to switch to the br tags and what headaches, if any, it's going to cause me.
Hi guys,
The bug you're refering to is fixed for 5.0, so you shouldn't have any problems configuring the RadEditor, so that it inserts a <p> tag, instead of a <br/> tag. You can take a look at the PITS issue for further reference.
Kind regards,