Issues with URL
Am using sitefinity5.0.In my application am creating a parent page and add 3 child pages
under this parent page.Then when am selecting a child page,the url look like this
"". I want to remove the parent page name from the child's page url.
How is it possible? Its very urgent any one please help me.
Dear Sanoop
I don't think that this can be done very comforatably out of the box.
The only workaround I can think of is using multiple ULRs under Titles & Properties and remove the All additional URL redirect to the default one.
Then you would need to put this page in an special PageGroup and don't show it in Navigation.
Then you would make a redirect page redirect to this now not in Naviagation shown ChildPage.aspx
Since the ChildPage.aspx is not shown in navigation you would have to hardcode the redirect page as if you would link to an external page
That's the only out of the box workaround I can think of.
Another case where it would be nice if a redirect page redirecting to an internal page not shown in navigation would show it anyhow. If a redirect page is shown in navigation should be the only reason to show or hide it (external and internal)
3 posts for one issue seems a bit exessive to me btw.
Hi Markus,
Thanks for your reply.I do the same,Change the Titles & Properties of child page and remove the All additional URL redirect to the default one.But still the group page name is in the child Page URL.Can you please help me to resolve it.
Dear Sanoop
Did you read this as well?
Then you would need to put this page in an special PageGroup and don't show it in Navigation.
Then you would make a redirect page redirect to this now not in Naviagation shown ChildPage.aspx
Since the ChildPage.aspx is not shown in navigation you would have to hardcode the redirect page as if you would link to an external page
The problem is that am creating this group page for my navigation menu.Am just created a group page and put all pages which i want to show in navigation menu under this group page.Am using the sitefinity's default navigation control for my navigation menu and am choose' All pages under particular page' option in navigation control and select this group page.So all the pages under this group page are shown in navigation.Then when i select any page from navigation menu,the group page name is there with its url.So i think we can's solve this issue by creating group page.Hop you got me?
Dear Sanoop
This is what I mean
GroupPage (shown in Navigation)
- Redirct page to yourdomain/childpage.aspx
HiddenGroupPage (not shown in navigation)
- childpage.aspx (not shown in navigation)
So there you have it. If you click on the redirect page under GroupPage it should redirect to (HidenGroupPage/childpage.aspx which has an extra ULR ~/childpage.aspx which will not redirect to the default.
If you do try this and it does not work - I really cant help you. But somehow I have the feeling you did not try this yet.