jQuery error: Object doesn't support property or method

Posted by Community Admin on 03-Aug-2018 01:43

jQuery error: Object doesn't support property or method 'quicksand'

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Posted by Community Admin on 05-Apr-2012 00:00

I'm having some problems getting a jQuery plugin to work in SF4.4. I plug the same code into an empty project and it works fine.

Can someone help? Error occurs when quicksand is called.

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function ()
        $('.button').click(function (e)
            $('.all').quicksand($('.warm li'),
                duration: 3000,
                attribute: 'id',
                easing: 'easeInOutQuad'
(function ($)
    $.fn.quicksand = function (collection, customOptions)
        var options =
            duration: 750,
            easing: 'swing',
            attribute: 'data-id', // attribute to recognize same items within source and dest
            adjustHeight: 'auto', // 'dynamic' animates height during shuffling (slow), 'auto' adjusts it before or after the animation, false leaves height constant
            useScaling: true, // disable it if you're not using scaling effect or want to improve performance
            enhancement: function (c) , // Visual enhacement (eg. font replacement) function for cloned elements
            selector: '> *',
            dx: 0,
            dy: 0
        $.extend(options, customOptions);
        if ($.browser.msie || (typeof ($.fn.scale) == 'undefined'))
            // Got IE and want scaling effect? Kiss my ass.
            options.useScaling = false;
        var callbackFunction;
        if (typeof (arguments[1]) == 'function')
            var callbackFunction = arguments[1];
         else if (typeof (arguments[2] == 'function'))
            var callbackFunction = arguments[2];
        return this.each(function (i)
            var val;
            var animationQueue = []; // used to store all the animation params before starting the animation; solves initial animation slowdowns
            var $collection = $(collection).clone(); // destination (target) collection
            var $sourceParent = $(this); // source, the visible container of source collection
            var sourceHeight = $(this).css('height'); // used to keep height and document flow during the animation
            var destHeight;
            var adjustHeightOnCallback = false;
            var offset = $($sourceParent).offset(); // offset of visible container, used in animation calculations
            var offsets = []; // coordinates of every source collection item           
            var $source = $(this).find(options.selector); // source collection items
            // Replace the collection and quit if IE6
            if ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version.substr(0, 1) < 7)
            // Gets called when any animation is finished
            var postCallbackPerformed = 0; // prevents the function from being called more than one time
            var postCallback = function ()
                if (!postCallbackPerformed)
                    postCallbackPerformed = 1;
                    // hack:
                    // used to be: $sourceParent.html($dest.html()); // put target HTML into visible source container
                    // but new webkit builds cause flickering when replacing the collections
                    $toDelete = $sourceParent.find('> *');
                    $sourceParent.prepend($dest.find('> *'));
                    if (adjustHeightOnCallback)
                        $sourceParent.css('height', destHeight);
                    options.enhancement($sourceParent); // Perform custom visual enhancements on a newly replaced collection
                    if (typeof callbackFunction == 'function')
            // Position: relative situations
            var $correctionParent = $sourceParent.offsetParent();
            var correctionOffset = $correctionParent.offset();
            if ($correctionParent.css('position') == 'relative')
                if ($correctionParent.get(0).nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'body')
                    correctionOffset.top += (parseFloat($correctionParent.css('border-top-width')) || 0);
                    correctionOffset.left += (parseFloat($correctionParent.css('border-left-width')) || 0);
                correctionOffset.top -= (parseFloat($correctionParent.css('border-top-width')) || 0);
                correctionOffset.left -= (parseFloat($correctionParent.css('border-left-width')) || 0);
                correctionOffset.top -= (parseFloat($correctionParent.css('margin-top')) || 0);
                correctionOffset.left -= (parseFloat($correctionParent.css('margin-left')) || 0);
            // perform custom corrections from options (use when Quicksand fails to detect proper correction)
            if (isNaN(correctionOffset.left))
                correctionOffset.left = 0;
            if (isNaN(correctionOffset.top))
                correctionOffset.top = 0;
            correctionOffset.left -= options.dx;
            correctionOffset.top -= options.dy;
            // keeps nodes after source container, holding their position
            $sourceParent.css('height', $(this).height());
            // get positions of source collections
            $source.each(function (i)
                offsets[i] = $(this).offset();
            // stops previous animations on source container
            var dx = 0; var dy = 0;
            $source.each(function (i)
                $(this).stop(); // stop animation of collection items
                var rawObj = $(this).get(0);
                if (rawObj.style.position == 'absolute')
                    dx = -options.dx;
                    dy = -options.dy;
                    dx = options.dx;
                    dy = options.dy;
                rawObj.style.position = 'absolute';
                rawObj.style.margin = '0';
                rawObj.style.top = (offsets[i].top - parseFloat(rawObj.style.marginTop) - correctionOffset.top + dy) + 'px';
                rawObj.style.left = (offsets[i].left - parseFloat(rawObj.style.marginLeft) - correctionOffset.left + dx) + 'px';
            // create temporary container with destination collection
            var $dest = $($sourceParent).clone();
            var rawDest = $dest.get(0);
            rawDest.innerHTML = '';
            rawDest.setAttribute('id', '');
            rawDest.style.height = 'auto';
            rawDest.style.width = $sourceParent.width() + 'px';
            // insert node into HTML
            // Note that the node is under visible source container in the exactly same position
            // The browser render all the items without showing them (opacity: 0.0)
            // No offset calculations are needed, the browser just extracts position from underlayered destination items
            // and sets animation to destination positions.
            $dest.css('opacity', 0.0);
            rawDest.style.zIndex = -1;
            rawDest.style.margin = '0';
            rawDest.style.position = 'absolute';
            rawDest.style.top = offset.top - correctionOffset.top + 'px';
            rawDest.style.left = offset.left - correctionOffset.left + 'px';
            if (options.adjustHeight === 'dynamic')
                // If destination container has different height than source container
                // the height can be animated, adjusting it to destination height
                $sourceParent.animate( height: $dest.height() , options.duration, options.easing);
             else if (options.adjustHeight === 'auto')
                destHeight = $dest.height();
                if (parseFloat(sourceHeight) < parseFloat(destHeight))
                    // Adjust the height now so that the items don't move out of the container
                    $sourceParent.css('height', destHeight);
                    //  Adjust later, on callback
                    adjustHeightOnCallback = true;
            // Now it's time to do shuffling animation
            // First of all, we need to identify same elements within source and destination collections   
            $source.each(function (i)
                var destElement = [];
                if (typeof (options.attribute) == 'function')
                    val = options.attribute($(this));
                    $collection.each(function ()
                        if (options.attribute(this) == val)
                            destElement = $(this);
                            return false;
                    destElement = $collection.filter('[' + options.attribute + '=' + $(this).attr(options.attribute) + ']');
                if (destElement.length)
                    // The item is both in source and destination collections
                    // It it's under different position, let's move it
                    if (!options.useScaling)
                                                element: $(this),
                                                     top: destElement.offset().top - correctionOffset.top,
                                                        left: destElement.offset().left - correctionOffset.left,
                                                        opacity: 1.0
                            element: $(this),
                            animation: top: destElement.offset().top - correctionOffset.top,
                                left: destElement.offset().left - correctionOffset.left,
                                opacity: 1.0,
                                scale: '1.0'
                    // The item from source collection is not present in destination collections
                    // Let's remove it
                    if (!options.useScaling)
                        animationQueue.push( element: $(this),
                            animation: opacity: '0.0'
                        animationQueue.push( element: $(this), animation: opacity: '0.0',
                            scale: '0.0'
            $collection.each(function (i)
                // Grab all items from target collection not present in visible source collection
                var sourceElement = [];
                var destElement = [];
                if (typeof (options.attribute) == 'function')
                    val = options.attribute($(this));
                    $source.each(function ()
                        if (options.attribute(this) == val)
                            sourceElement = $(this);
                            return false;
                    $collection.each(function ()
                        if (options.attribute(this) == val)
                            destElement = $(this);
                            return false;
                    sourceElement = $source.filter('[' + options.attribute + '=' + $(this).attr(options.attribute) + ']');
                    destElement = $collection.filter('[' + options.attribute + '=' + $(this).attr(options.attribute) + ']');
                var animationOptions;
                if (sourceElement.length === 0)
                    // No such element in source collection...
                    if (!options.useScaling)
                        animationOptions =
                            opacity: '1.0'
                        animationOptions =
                            opacity: '1.0',
                            scale: '1.0'
                    // Let's create it
                    d = destElement.clone();
                    var rawDestElement = d.get(0);
                    rawDestElement.style.position = 'absolute';
                    rawDestElement.style.margin = '0';
                    rawDestElement.style.top = destElement.offset().top - correctionOffset.top + 'px';
                    rawDestElement.style.left = destElement.offset().left - correctionOffset.left + 'px';
                    d.css('opacity', 0.0); // IE
                    if (options.useScaling)
                        d.css('transform', 'scale(0.0)');
                    animationQueue.push( element: $(d),
                        animation: animationOptions
            options.enhancement($sourceParent); // Perform custom visual enhancements during the animation
            for (i = 0; i < animationQueue.length; i++)
                animationQueue[i].element.animate(animationQueue[i].animation, options.duration, options.easing, postCallback);

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