How do you easily run code behind solutions on your producti

Posted by Community Admin on 03-Aug-2018 00:28

How do you easily run code behind solutions on your production machine?

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Posted by Community Admin on 25-Apr-2012 00:00

I find that many of the solutions provided in these forums require a code behind solution. That means that the code must be compiled. Since we have a production server/database separate from our development/testing server/database, any code-behind solution must go through a series of steps before they are deployed to the production server/database.

This works for permanent solutions, but it not realistic for temporary code to make settings changes. (example: any time someone says, 'well it's easier to get app.pages() and loop over it running x over each)

Just a practical question: How do you manage this complexity? (and reduce turn-around times) I'm looking for some best practices to make sure I'm not going about this the hard way.


P.S. It may be obvious at this point, but I'm from a PHP/Coldfusion background where server code changes were auto-compiled as needed. I like this .Net solution, but it requires changes in workflow that aren't apparent to those of us newer to this type of solution.

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